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Advanced localization pack for Czech (extension) (Czechia)


This content is archived and is not being updated. For the latest documentation, go to New and Planned for Dynamics 365 Business Central. For the latest release plans, go to Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans.

Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Mar 17, 2021 Apr 1, 2021

Feature details

This extension adds features to Business Central that help companies meet the requirements of Czech accounting and tax legislation and best practices.

Key features


  • WIP extended posting July 2021
  • General ledger entries application June 2021


  • Posting groups in transfer orders
  • Rounding accounts in the Inventory area July 2021

Small regulatory features and best practices

  • Mandatory returning of exact costs in the Manufacturing area June 2021
  • Default business posting group in the Manufacturing area
  • Default business posting group for assembly orders
  • Automatic creation and update of dimensions July 2021
  • Additional fields on item ledger entries and value entries
  • General product posting group from SKU
  • Skip update of SKU on posting
  • Non-stock item numbering

Manufacturing Setup

Trans. Route Spec.

Tell us what you think

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See also

Advanced Localization Pack (docs)