
다음을 통해 공유

timeRegistrationEntry resource type

Represents a time registration entry in Business Central.


For information about enabling APIs for Business Central see Enabling the APIs for Dynamics 365 Business Central.


Method Return Type Description
GET timeRegistrationEntry timeRegistrationEntry Gets a time registration entry object.
DELETE timeRegistrationEntry none Deletes a time registration entry object.
POST timeRegistrationEntry timeRegistrationEntry Creates a time registration entry object.
PATCH timeRegistrationEntry timeRegistrationEntry Updates a time registration entry object.
Navigation Return Type Description
employee employee Gets the employee of the timeRegistrationEntry.
dimensionSetLines dimensionSetLines Gets the dimensionsetlines of the timeRegistrationEntry.


Property Type Description
id GUID The unique ID of the time registration entry. Non-editable.
employeeId GUID The unique ID of employee.
employeeNumber string The employee's number.
jobId GUID The ID of the time registration entry job.
jobNumber string The number of the time registration entry job.
jobTaskNumber string The number of the job task.
absence string The cause of absence code.
lineNumber integer The time registration entry item line number.
date date The date of the time registration entry.
quantity decimal The quantity of the item in the time registration entry.
status NAV.employeeTimeRegStatus Specifies the status of the time registration entry. It can be "Open", "Submitted", "Rejected" or "Approved".
unitOfMeasureId GUID The ID of unit of measure for the time registration entry.
unitOfMeasureCode string The code of unit of measure for the time registration entry.
lastModfiedDateTime datetime The last datetime the time registration entry was modified. Read-Only.

JSON representation

Here is a JSON representation of the timeRegistrationEntry resource.

    "id": "GUID",
    "employeeId": "GUID",
    "employeeNumber": "string",
    "jobId": "GUID",
    "jobNumber": "string",
    "jobTaskNumber": "string",
    "absence": "string",
    "lineNumber": "integer",
    "date": "date",
    "quantity": "decimal",
    "status": "NAV.employeeTimeRegStatus",
    "unitOfMeasureId": "GUID",
    "unitOfMeasureCode": "string",
    "lastModfiedDateTime": "datetime"

See Also

GET timeRegistrationEntry
DELETE timeRegistrationEntry
POST timeRegistrationEntry
PATCH timeRegistrationEntry