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VAT register transactions for Eastern Europe

This article provides information about VAT register transactions for Estonia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, and Poland.

For legal entities with a primary address in Estonia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, and Poland, you can review tax transactions and update the Date of VAT register for them. To view the VAT register transactions, go to Tax > Periodic tasks > VAT register transactions. This page displays tax transactions that have been created by sales tax codes of type Standard VAT for which the Date of VAT register is empty. You can fill in the Date of VAT register field for tax transactions by selecting Date of VAT register on the Main menu. For legal entities with a primary address in the Czech Republic, there is an additional column, Postponed VAT. If this field is selected, the value-added tax hasn't been reported for the transaction yet. Postponed VAT typically applies to sales credit notes that are waiting for confirmation from the customer. You can select this check box during the sales invoice posting process. On the Sales tax codes page (Tax > Sales tax > Sales tax codes), you can review or update a sales tax code type. For more information about sales tax codes, see Set up sales tax codes.