
다음을 통해 공유

Enable Electronic reporting (ER) destinations to store Russian accounting documents

This article explains how to configure Electronic reporting (ER) destinations for post-processing of Russian accounting documents that are generated in Microsoft Excel and Word formats. You can set up the configuration to show a preview of the document on the screen, send the document to the printer, or save the file to SharePoint or Power BI. For information about Federal Accounting Standard 27-2021 in Russia and Dynamics 365 Finance, see the white paper Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management-Federal Accounting Standard 27-2021 in Russia.

To use this functionality, you must enable the Allow using the ER framework for post-processing of reports in Excel and Word formats feature in the Feature management workspace. This feature changes the behavior of several reports in the Russian localization that generate accounting documents in Microsoft Office formats (Excel and Word). When the feature is enabled, the ER framework is used for post-processing of generated documents, so that you can show the file, store the file in a configured destination, or show the report on the screen.

For several reports that you configure the File destination for in the Print management framework, the post-processing is activated when you print the report by using Print management.

For several other reports that can't be configured in the Print management framework, the post-processing is activated when you print the report.

The tables in the Accounting documents section of this article list the reports that this feature is applicable to. The tables show the name of the file component that must configure for each report in ER destinations. They also indicate whether the File destination can be configured for the report in Print management.

Follow these steps to configure ER destinations for accounting documents.

  1. In the Feature management workspace, enable the Allow using the ER framework for post-processing of reports in Excel and Word formats feature.

  2. Import the latest versions of these ER configurations from the Global configuration repository:

    • Format for binary data pipeline
    • Model for binary data pipeline
    • Mapping for binary data pipeline

    For downpoad instructions, see Download ER configurations from the Global repository of Configuration service.

  3. Go to Organization administration > Document management > Document management parameters.

  4. On the General tab, on the Electronic reporting FastTab, in the Accounting documents field, select the Format for binary data pipeline format that you imported earlier.

  5. Go to Organization administration > Electronic reporting > Electronic reporting destination.

  6. Select New.

  7. In the Reference field, select Format for binary data pipeline.

  8. In the File destination section, create lines for the required destinations for each accounting document that you generate. For more information about ER destinations, see Electronic reporting (ER) destinations.

    Table Description automatically generated.


If you don't want to get a zip folder together with the generated document, create a line for the Zip component, and leave the Settings field blank. If you don't create this line, you will always get a zip folder together with the document, in addition to the configured ER destinations for that document.

To show the file on the screen, select the Convert to PDF checkbox for the line. If you don't select this checkbox, make sure that you've installed Office online. For more information, see Use the PDF conversion option.

If you enable File destination setting to store the document as a file on SharePoint, each time that you generate a document, a new file will be created and stored.

If you enable Power BI destination setting to store the document as a file on SharePoint, each time that you generate a document, a new file version of the same document will be created. For more information about this option, see Configure Electronic reporting (ER) to pull data into Power BI.

If execution or storage of the document fails, you can find details about the failure reasons on the Electronic reporting jobs page.

Accounting documents

Petty cash

For information about how to print these documents, see Petty cash for Eastern Europe and Russia and Cash - Local primary forms and unified reports.

File component name Description (EN) Form code (EN) Description (RU) Form code (RU) File type File destination
KO-1_2 Incoming cash order KO-1 KO-1 Приходный кассовый ордер КО-1 Excel No
KO-1_2 Outgoing cash order KO-2 KO-2 Расходный кассовый ордер КО-2 Excel No
KO-3 Cash vouchers registration journal KO-3 KO-3 Журнал регистрации приходных и расходных кассовых документов КО-3 Excel No
KO-4 Cash book KO-4 KO-4 Кассовая книга КО-4 Excel No
CashDueAnnouncement Cash contribution to the bank - form 0402001 402001 Объявление на взнос наличными 402001 Excel No
CashCountStatement Cash inventory act INV-15 INV-15 Акт инвентаризации наличных денежных средств ИНВ-15 Excel No
CashCountStatementSupplement Supplement for Cash inventory act INV-15 Приложение к Акту инвентаризации наличных денежных средств Excel No
RetailCashCollection Cash collection reports Отчеты по инкассированию Excel No


For information about how to print these documents, see Set up and process payment orders for Russia and Foreign currency sales, purchases, and transfers.

File component name Description (EN) Form code (EN) Description (RU) Form code (RU) File type File destination
PaymentOrder Payment order - form 0401060 401060 401060 Excel No
CurrencyTransfer Currency sale order Поручение на продажу валюты Word No
CurrencyTransfer Currency purchase order Поручение по покупку валюты Word No
InvoiceForPayment Invoice For Payment Счет на оплату Excel Yes

Fixed assets

For information about how to print these documents, see Unified printing forms for fixed assets (Russia).

File component name Description (EN) Form code (EN) Description (RU) Form code (RU) File type File destination
OC-1 Acceptance report FA-1 OC-1 Акт о приеме-передаче объекта основных средств ОС-1 ОС-1 Excel No
OC-1A Acceptance report FA-1a OC -1a Акт о приеме-передаче здания, сооружения ОС-1а ОС-1а Excel No
OC-2 Internal transfer slip FA-2 OC -2 Накладная на внутреннее перемещение объектов основных средств ОС-2 Excel No
OC-3 Acceptance-delivery report FA-3 OC-3 Акт о приеме-сдаче отремонтированных, реконструированных, модернизированных объектов основных средств ОС-3 Excel No
OC-4 Writing off statement FA-4 OC-4 Акта о списании объекта основных средств ОС-4 Excel No
OC-4A Writing off statement FA-4a OC-4a Акт о списании автотранспортных средств ОС-4а Excel No
OC-6 FA inventory card FA-6 OC-6 Инвентарная карточка учета объекта основных средств ОС-6 Excel No
OC-14 Equipment acceptance report FA-14 OC-14 Акт о приеме (поступлении) оборудования ОС-14 Excel No

Fixed assets counting

For information about how to print these documents, see Fixed asset counting (Russia).

File component name Description (EN) Form code (EN) Description (RU) Form code (RU) File type File destination
INV-1 FA Inventory list INV-1 INV-1 Инвентаризационная опись основных средств ИНВ-1 Excel No
INV-1A Intangible assets inventory list INV-1a INV-1a Инвентаризационная опись нематериальных активов ИНВ-1а Excel No
INV-18 Collation statement INV-18 INV-18 Сличительная ведомость результатов инвентаризации основных средств ИНВ-18 Excel No

Not valuable fixed assets

For information about how to print these documents, see Not valuable fixed assets (NVFAs) (Russia).

File component name Description (EN) Form code (EN) Description (RU) Form code (RU) File type File destination
MB-2 Inventory card MB-2 MB-2 Карточка учета малоценных и быстроизнашивающихся предметов МБ-2 Word No
MB-4 Retirement act MB-4 MB-4 Акт выбытия малоценных и быстроизнашивающихся предметов МБ-4 Excel No
MB-7 Working clothes issue sheet (No. MB-7) MB-7 ВЕДОМОСТЬ № учета выдачи спецодежды, спецобуви и предохранительных приспособлений МБ-7 Word No
Write off MB-8 MB-8 Акт на списание малоценных и быстроизнашивающихся предметов МБ-8 Excel No

Advance holders

For information about how to print these documents, see Advance holders reports.

File component name Description (EN) Form code (EN) Description (RU) Form code (RU) File type File destination
AO-1 Advance report AO-1 AO-1 Авансовый отчет АО-1 Excel No


For information about how to print these documents, see Deferrals counting (Russia).

File component name Description (EN) Form code (EN) Description (RU) Form code (RU) File type File destination
INV-11 Act of deferrals inventory INV-11 INV-11 Акт инвентаризации расходов будущих периодов ИНВ-11 Excel No

Inventory forms

File component name Description (EN) Form code (EN) Description (RU) Form code (RU) File type File destination
M-17 Inventory item card M-17 M-17 Карточка учета материалов М-17 Excel No
TORG-16 Issue statement TORG-16 (Certificate of unserviceability) TORG-16 Акт о списании товаров ТОРГ-16 Excel Yes
TORG-13 Transfer slip TORG-13 TORG-13 Накладная на внутреннее перемещение, передачу товаров, тары ТОРГ-13 Excel Yes
M-11 Requirement slip M-11 M-11 Требование-накладная М-11 Excel Yes
INV-19 Collation statement INV-19 INV-19 Сличительная ведомость результатов инвентаризации тмц ИНВ-19 Excel Yes
TORG-29 Trade report TORG-29 TORG-29 Товарный отчет ТОРГ-29 Excel No
INV-3 Counting list INV-3 INV-3 Инвентаризационная опись товарно-материальных ценностей ИНВ-3 Excel No

Accounts receivable and Accounts payable

For information about how to print these documents, see Local reports and primary forms in Accounts receivable and Accounts payable.

File component name Description (EN) Form code (EN) Description (RU) Form code (RU) File type File destination
M-4 Receipt statement for materials M-4 M-4 Приходный ордер М-4 Excel Yes
M-7 Receipt statement for goods M-7 M-7 Акт о приемке материалов М-7 Excel Yes
TORG-12 Invoice TORG-12 TORG-12 Товарная накладная ТОРГ-12 Excel Yes
M-15 Invoice M-15 M-15 Накладная на отпуск материалов на сторону М-15 Excel Yes
AcceptanceReport Acceptance act Акт приемки выполненных работ Word No
TORG-1 Act of goods receive TORG-1 TORG-1 Акт о приемке товаров ТОРГ-1 Excel Yes
TORG-2 Deviation acts of goods receive TORG-2 TORG-2 Акт об установленном расхождении по количеству и качеству при приемке товарно-материальных ценностей ТОРГ-2 Excel Yes
TORG-3 Deviation acts of goods receive TORG-3 TORG-3 Акт об установленном расхождении по количеству и качеству при приемке импортных товаров ТОРГ-3 Excel Yes
TransportInvoice Transportation invoice Транспортная накладная Excel Yes
JobTicket Job ticket Заказ-наряд на предоставление транспортного средства Excel Yes
1-T Bill of lading 1-T 1-T Товарно-транспортная накладная 1-Т Excel Yes
INV-17 Inventory Act INV-17 INV-17 Акт инвентаризации расчетов с покупателями поставщиками и прочими дебиторами и кредиторами ИНВ-17 Excel No
INV-17 Certificate to inventory act INV-17 Справка инвентаризации расчетов с покупателями поставщиками и прочими дебиторами и кредиторами Excel No
MH-1 Acceptance report in storage MH-1 MH-1 Акт о приеме передаче товарно-материальных ценностей на хранение МХ-1 Excel Yes
MH-2 Bailment statement MH-2 MH-2 Журнал учета товарно-материальных ценностей МХ-2 Excel No
MH-3 Return report from storage MH-3 MH-3 Акт о возврате товарно-материальных ценностей, сданных на хранение МХ-3 Excel Yes
INV-5 Counting list INV-5 INV-5 Инвентаризационная опись товарно-материальных ценностей, принятых на ответственное хранение ИНВ-5 Excel No
INV-6 Act of inventory holdings en route INV-6 INV-6 Акт инвентаризации товарно-материальных ценностей находящихся в пути ИНВ-6 Excel No
CorrFacture Correcting facture Корректирующий счет-фактура Excel No
FactureAccountingJournal Facture Accounting Journal Журнал учета счетов-фактур Excel No
ActAdjust Act of adjustment Акт сверки взаиморасчетов Excel No
PurchBook Purchase book Книга покупок Excel No
SalesBook Sales book Книга продаж Excel No

General ledger

For information about how to print these documents, see Account activity reports.

File component name Description (EN) Description (RU) File type File destination
TuroverSheetWithCorrspondence Turnover sheet with correspondence Шахматная ведомость оборотов по счетам Excel No
AccountReview Review of account Анализ счета Excel No
JournalOrder Journal order/account activity Журнал ордер/ведомость Excel No
AccountActivityGeneralLedger General ledger Главная книга Excel No
FactureAccountingJournal Facture Accounting Journal Журнал учета счетов-фактур Excel No
RTax25RegTrans Register lines Строки регистра Excel No

Inventory reports

For information about how to print these documents, see Inventory reports.

File component name Description (EN) Description (RU) File type File destination
InventoryTurnover Inventory balance turnover Оборотная ведомость по складу Excel No