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Set up Intrastat from a free text invoice


This content is archived and is not being updated. For the latest documentation, see Microsoft Dynamics 365 product documentation. For the latest release plans, see Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans.

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Use this procedure to add Intrastat information to a free text invoice.

  1. Click Accounts receivable > Common > Free text invoices > All free text invoices.

  2. On the Action Pane, click Free text invoice to create a free text invoice.

  3. Select values in the Customer account, Invoice account, Date, and Currency fields.

  4. Click the Line details FastTab. Verify that the fields on the Foreign trade tab are correct, and then click Post on the Action Pane.

  5. Verify that the data is correct in the Post free text invoice form, and then click OK.

  6. Click Organization administration > Periodic > Foreign trade > Intrastat.

  7. In the Intrastat form, click the Transfer button.


    The name of the button varies, depending on the country/region in which the legal entity is located. If Intrastat is not required for the legal entity’s country/region, the button is not displayed.

  8. In the form that is displayed, select the Free text invoice check box and then click OK. Free text invoice data is then transferred to the Intrastat form.

See also

About Intrastat