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Using the Microsoft Dynamics AX glossary


This content is archived and is not being updated. For the latest documentation, see Microsoft Dynamics 365 product documentation. For the latest release plans, see Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans.

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

The Microsoft Dynamics AX glossary defines key terms and concepts in the Microsoft Dynamics AX product.

  • To view a glossary term entry, enter a search term in the Search field, or click CTRL+E. To limit your search and search results to only glossary entries, select Glossary in the Options drop-down list.

  • To view the complete list of glossary term entries, click Microsoft Dynamics AX glossary.

Announcements: New book: "Inside Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3" now available. Get your copy at the MS Press Store.