다음을 통해 공유

게임 서버에 PlayFab 게임 서버 SDK(GSDK) 통합


PlayFab 게임 서버 SDK(GSDK)는 C++, C#, 및 Java 버전으로 제공됩니다. GSDK는 게임 서버를 VM에 설치된 PlayFab 에이전트에 연결합니다. 이 에이전트는 PlayFab 멀티 플레이어 플랫폼과의 핵심 서버 상호 작용을 촉진합니다.

기본 통합

게임 서버가 PlayFab 멀티 플레이어 플랫폼과 통신하려면 GSDK와 통합해야 합니다. 최소한 게임 서버에서 StartReadyForPlayers 메서드를 구현해야 합니다.

int main()
    // Call this while your game is initializing; it will start sending a heartbeat to our agent and put the game server in an Initializing state

    /* Add any other initialization code your game server needs before players can connect */

    // Call this when your game is done initializing and players can connect
    // Note: This is a blocking call, and will return when this game server is either allocated or terminated
    if (Microsoft::Azure::Gaming::GSDK::readyForPlayers())
        // readyForPlayers returns true when an allocation call has been done, a player is about to connect!
        // readyForPlayers returns false when the server is being terminated

static void Main(string[] args)
    // Call this while your game is initializing; it will start sending a heartbeat to our agent and put the game server in an Initializing state

    /* Add any other initializion code your game server needs before players can connect */

    // Call this when your game is done initializing and players can connect
    // Note: This is a blocking call, and will return when this game server is either allocated or terminated
    if (GameserverSDK.ReadyForPlayers())
        // readyForPlayers returns true when an allocation call has been done, a player is about to connect!
        // readyForPlayers returns false when the server is being terminated

public static void main(String[] args)
    // Call this while your game is initializing; it will start sending a heartbeat to our agent and put the game server in an Initializing state

    /* Add any other initializion code your game server needs before players can connect */

    // Call this when your game is done initializing and players can connect
    // Note: This is a blocking call, and will return when this game server is either allocated or terminated
    if (GameserverSDK.readyForPlayers())
        // readyForPlayers returns true when an allocation call has been done, a player is about to connect!
        // readyForPlayers returns false when the server is being terminated


GSDK로 로그인

게임 서버가 종료되면 PlayFab VM 에이전트는 모든 로그 파일을 압축하여 사용자가 사용할 수 있도록 합니다.

게임의 로그 파일을 추가하는 방법은 두 가지가 있습니다.

  1. GSDK의 Log 메서드 사용 - GSDK 로그 파일에 자신의 로그 줄이 추가됩니다.
  2. PlayFab VM 에이전트가 압축하여 업로드할 적절한 로그 디렉터리에 자신의 로그 파일을 작성합니다.
// This will add your log line to the GSDK log file, alongside other information logged by the GSDK
Microsoft::Azure::Gaming::GSDK::logMessage("Here is a sample log");

// Alternatively, you can log your own files to the log directory
std::string logFolder = Microsoft::Azure::Gaming::GSDK::getLogsDirectory();
// This will add your log line to the GSDK log file, alongside other information logged by the GSDK
GameserverSDK.LogMessage("Here is a sample log");

// Alternatively, you can log your own files to the log directory
string logFolder = GameserverSDK.GetLogsDirectory();
// This will add your log line to the GSDK log file, alongside other information logged by the GSDK
GameserverSDK.log("Here is a sample log");

// Alternatively, you can log your own files to the log directory
String logFolder = GameserverSDK.getLogsDirectory();

정상적으로 게임 서버 종료

게임 서버를 종료하는 시나리오는 세 가지가 있습니다.

  1. 게임 서버 응용 프로그램을 종료합니다.

  2. 현재 플레이어 로그에 필요한 것보다 많은 게임 서버를 사용할 수 있기 때문에 PlayFab가 게임 서버를 종료합니다.

참고 항목

PlayFab은 현재 활성화된 게임 서버 종료합니다.

  1. Azure가 게임 서버를 호스팅하는 가상 머신에서 필요한 유지 관리를 수행합니다.

위의 (1)의 경우: 귀하가 수행 시점을 제어하고, 응용 프로그램을 종료하기 전에 모든 필요한 정리를 수행할 수 있습니다.

(2)(3)의 경우: 콜백 메서드를 지정하여 GSDK가 사용자에게 수행 시점을 알 수 있는 방법을 제공합니다.

// This method will be called in case #2, when PlayFab terminates the game server
void onShutdown()
    printf("GSDK is shutting me down!!!\n");
    /* Perform any necessary cleanup and end the program */

// This method will be called in case #3, when Azure will perform maintenance on the virtual machine
void onMaintenanceScheduled(tm t)
#ifdef WINDOWS
    time_t local = _mkgmtime(&t);
    double delta = difftime(local, time(NULL));
    struct tm buf;
    char str[26];
    gmtime_s(&buf, &local);
    asctime_s(str, sizeof str, &buf);
    printf("UTC:   %s", str);
    localtime_s(&buf, &local);
    asctime_s(str, sizeof str, &buf);
    printf("local: %s", str);
    printf("delta: %f", delta);
#else // Linux
    time_t local = timegm(&t);
    double delta = difftime(local, time(NULL));
    printf("UTC:   %s\n", asctime(gmtime(&local)));
    printf("local: %s\n", asctime(localtime(&local)));
    printf("delta: %f\n", delta);

    /* Perform any necessary cleanup, notify your players, etc. */

int main()

        // Continue initializing your game
// This method will be called in case #2, when PlayFab terminates the game server
static void OnShutdown()
    GameserverSDK.LogMessage("Shutting down...");
    /* Perform any necessary cleanup and end the program */

// This method will be called in case #3, when Azure will perform maintenance on the virtual machine
static void OnMaintenanceScheduled(DateTimeOffset time)
    /* Perform any necessary cleanup, notify your players, etc. */

static void Main(string[] args)

    // Continue initializing your game
// This method will be called in case #2, when PlayFab terminates the game server
private static void onShutdown()
    System.out.println("Shutting down...");
    /* Perform any necessary cleanup and end the program */

// This method will be called in case #3, when Azure will perform maintenance on the virtual machine
private static void onMaintenanceScheduled(ZonedDateTime time)
    /* Perform any necessary cleanup, notify your players, etc. */

static void Main(string[] args)

    // Continue initializing your game

게임 서버에 대한 PlayFab 정보 제공

현재 GSDK를 사용하여 PlayFab과 두 가지 사항에 대해 통신할 수 있습니다.

  1. 게임 서버의 현재 상태.
  2. 현재 게임 서버에 연결되어 있는 플레이어의 목록.

이러한 두 가지 정보는 다음 하트비트에서 PlayFab으로 전송되며, 현재 보고에 사용할 수 있습니다.

static std::vector<Microsoft::Azure::Gaming::ConnectedPlayer> players;

void playerConnected()
    // When a new player connects, you can let PlayFab know by adding it to the vector of players and calling updateConnectedPlayers

// This method will be called on every heartbeat to check if your game is healthy, as such, it should return very quickly
bool isHealthy()
    // Return whether your game server should be considered healthy
    return true;

int main()

        // Continue initializing your game
static private List<ConnectedPlayer> players = new List<ConnectedPlayer>();

static void OnPlayerConnected()
    // When a new player connects, you can let PlayFab know by adding it to the vector of players and calling updateConnectedPlayers
    players.Add(new ConnectedPlayer("player_tag"));

// This method will be called on every heartbeat to check if your game is healthy, as such, it should return very quickly
static bool IsHealthy()
    // Return whether your game server should be considered healthy
    return true;

static void Main(string[] args)

    // Continue initializing your game
private static ArrayList<ConnectedPlayer> players = new ArrayList<ConnectedPlayer>();

private static void onPlayerConnected()
    // When a new player connects, you can let PlayFab know by adding it to the vector of players and calling updateConnectedPlayers
    players.add(new ConnectedPlayer("player_tag"));

// This method will be called on every heartbeat to check if your game is healthy, as such, it should return very quickly
private static GameHostHealth getGameHealth()
    // Return whether your game server should be considered healthy
    return GameHostHealth.Healthy;

static void Main(string[] args)

    // Continue initializing your game

자신의 게임 서버 내 구성 설정 얻기

GSDK를 사용하여 검색할 수 있는 게임 서버와 관련된 PlayFab 설정에는 여러 가지가 있습니다.

참고 항목

이러한 설정 중 두 가지는 실제로 멀티 플레이어 서버 요청에 대한 호출의 일부로 클라이언트에 의해 PlayFab에 전달됩니다. 따라서 이러한 설정이 할당될 때까지 이를 게임 서버에서 사용할 수 없습니다.

// Get all the configuration values
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> config = Microsoft::Azure::Gaming::GSDK::getConfigSettings();

// Retrieve a particular configuration value
auto it = config.find(Microsoft::Azure::Gaming::GSDK::SESSION_COOKIE_KEY);

if (it != config.end())
    std::string sessionCookie = config[Microsoft::Azure::Gaming::GSDK::SESSION_COOKIE_KEY];

// Here some other useful configuration keys (the full list is in gsdk.h)
static constexpr const char* SERVER_ID_KEY; // ID given to your game server upon creation
static constexpr const char* LOG_FOLDER_KEY; // Path to the folder that should contain all log files
static constexpr const char* CERTIFICATE_FOLDER_KEY; // Path to the folder that contains any game certificate files
static constexpr const char* TITLE_ID_KEY; // PlayFab Title ID for this game server
static constexpr const char* BUILD_ID_KEY; // PlayFab Build ID for this game server
static constexpr const char* REGION_KEY; // Azure Region this server is running in

// These two keys are only available after allocation (once readyForPlayers returns true)
static constexpr const char* SESSION_COOKIE_KEY; // The Session Cookie you passed into the allocation call when you requested a server
static constexpr const char* SESSION_ID_KEY; // The Session ID you specified in the allocation call when you requested a server
// Get all the configuration values
IDictionary<string, string> config = GameserverSDK.getConfigSettings();

// Retrieve a particular configuration value
if (config.TryGetValue(GameserverSDK.SessionCookieKey, out string sessionCookie))
    // sessionCookie contains the value

// Here are some other useful configuration keys (the full list is in the GameserverSDK class)
public static string ServerIdKey; // ID given to your game server upon creation
public static string LogFolderKey; // Path to the folder that should contain all log files
public static string CertificateFolderKey; // Path to the folder that contains any game certificate files
public static string TitleIdKey; // PlayFab Title ID for this game server
public static string BuildIdKey; // PlayFab Build ID for this game server
public static string RegionKey; // Azure Region this server is running in

// These two keys are only available after allocation (once readyForPlayers returns true)
public static string SessionCookieKey; // The Session Cookie you passed into the allocation call when you requested a server
public static string SessionIdKey; // The Session ID you specified in the allocation call when you requested a server
// Get all the configuration values
Map<String, String> config = GameserverSDK.getConfigSettings();

// Retrieve a particular configuration value
if (config.containsKey(GameserverSDK.SESSION_COOKIE_KEY))
    String sessionCookie = config.get(GameserverSDK.SESSION_COOKIE_KEY);

// Here are some other useful configuration keys (the full list is in the GameserverSDK class)
public static final String SERVER_ID_KEY; // ID given to your game server upon creation
public static final String LOG_FOLDER_KEY; // Path to the folder that should contain all log files
public static final String CERTIFICATE_FOLDER_KEY; // Path to the folder that contains any game certificate files
public static final String TITLE_ID_KEY; // PlayFab Title ID for this game server
public static final String BUILD_ID_KEY; // PlayFab Build ID for this game server
public static final String REGION_KEY; // Azure Region this server is running in

// These two keys are only available after allocation (once readyForPlayers returns true)
public static final String SESSION_COOKIE_KEY; // The Session Cookie you passed into the allocation call when you requested a server
public static final String SESSION_ID_KEY; // The Session ID you specified in the allocation call when you requested a server