
다음을 통해 공유

audioConferencing resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents phone access information for an onlineMeeting.


Property Type Description
conferenceId String The conference id of the online meeting.
dialinUrl String A URL to the externally-accessible web page that contains dial-in information.
tollFreeNumbers String collection List of toll-free numbers that are displayed in the meeting invite.
tollNumbers String collection List of toll numbers that are displayed in the meeting invite.
tollFreeNumber (deprecated) String The toll-free number that connects to the Audio Conference Provider.
tollNumber (deprecated) String The toll number that connects to the Audio Conference Provider.


  • The tollFreeNumber and tollNumber properties are deprecated. Use the tollFreeNumbers and tollNumbers properties instead.
  • For backward compatibility, the original tollFreeNumber is added to the new tollFreeNumbers collection and the original tollNumber is added to the new tollNumbers collection.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "conferenceId": "String",
  "dialinUrl": "String",
  "tollFreeNumbers": [ "String" ],
  "tollNumbers": [ "String" ]