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Excel JavaScript API requirement set 1.1

Excel JavaScript API 1.1 is the first version of the API. It is the only Excel-specific requirement set supported by Excel 2016.

API list

The following table lists the APIs in Excel JavaScript API requirement set 1.1. To view API reference documentation for all APIs supported by Excel JavaScript API requirement set 1.1, see Excel APIs in requirement set 1.1.

Class Fields Description
Application calculate(calculationType: Excel.CalculationType) Recalculate all currently opened workbooks in Excel.
calculationMode Returns the calculation mode used in the workbook, as defined by the constants in Excel.CalculationMode.
Binding getRange() Returns the range represented by the binding.
getTable() Returns the table represented by the binding.
getText() Returns the text represented by the binding.
id Represents the binding identifier.
type Returns the type of the binding.
BindingCollection count Returns the number of bindings in the collection.
getItem(id: string) Gets a binding object by ID.
getItemAt(index: number) Gets a binding object based on its position in the items array.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
Chart axes Represents chart axes.
dataLabels Represents the data labels on the chart.
delete() Deletes the chart object.
format Encapsulates the format properties for the chart area.
height Specifies the height, in points, of the chart object.
left The distance, in points, from the left side of the chart to the worksheet origin.
legend Represents the legend for the chart.
name Specifies the name of a chart object.
series Represents either a single series or collection of series in the chart.
setData(sourceData: Range, seriesBy?: Excel.ChartSeriesBy) Resets the source data for the chart.
setPosition(startCell: Range | string, endCell?: Range | string) Positions the chart relative to cells on the worksheet.
title Represents the title of the specified chart, including the text, visibility, position, and formatting of the title.
top Specifies the distance, in points, from the top edge of the object to the top of row 1 (on a worksheet) or the top of the chart area (on a chart).
width Specifies the width, in points, of the chart object.
ChartAreaFormat fill Represents the fill format of an object, which includes background formatting information.
font Represents the font attributes (font name, font size, color, etc.) for the current object.
ChartAxes categoryAxis Represents the category axis in a chart.
seriesAxis Represents the series axis of a 3-D chart.
valueAxis Represents the value axis in an axis.
ChartAxis format Represents the formatting of a chart object, which includes line and font formatting.
majorGridlines Returns an object that represents the major gridlines for the specified axis.
majorUnit Represents the interval between two major tick marks.
maximum Represents the maximum value on the value axis.
minimum Represents the minimum value on the value axis.
minorGridlines Returns an object that represents the minor gridlines for the specified axis.
minorUnit Represents the interval between two minor tick marks.
title Represents the axis title.
ChartAxisFormat font Specifies the font attributes (font name, font size, color, etc.) for a chart axis element.
line Specifies chart line formatting.
ChartAxisTitle format Specifies the formatting of the chart axis title.
text Specifies the axis title.
visible Specifies if the axis title is visible.
ChartAxisTitleFormat font Specifies the chart axis title's font attributes, such as font name, font size, or color, of the chart axis title object.
ChartCollection add(type: Excel.ChartType, sourceData: Range, seriesBy?: Excel.ChartSeriesBy) Creates a new chart.
count Returns the number of charts in the worksheet.
getItem(name: string) Gets a chart using its name.
getItemAt(index: number) Gets a chart based on its position in the collection.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
ChartDataLabelFormat fill Represents the fill format of the current chart data label.
font Represents the font attributes (such as font name, font size, and color) for a chart data label.
ChartDataLabels format Specifies the format of chart data labels, which includes fill and font formatting.
position Value that represents the position of the data label.
separator String representing the separator used for the data labels on a chart.
showBubbleSize Specifies if the data label bubble size is visible.
showCategoryName Specifies if the data label category name is visible.
showLegendKey Specifies if the data label legend key is visible.
showPercentage Specifies if the data label percentage is visible.
showSeriesName Specifies if the data label series name is visible.
showValue Specifies if the data label value is visible.
ChartFill clear() Clears the fill color of a chart element.
setSolidColor(color: string) Sets the fill formatting of a chart element to a uniform color.
ChartFont bold Represents the bold status of font.
color HTML color code representation of the text color (e.g., #FF0000 represents Red).
italic Represents the italic status of the font.
name Font name (e.g., "Calibri")
size Size of the font (e.g., 11)
underline Type of underline applied to the font.
ChartGridlines format Represents the formatting of chart gridlines.
visible Specifies if the axis gridlines are visible.
ChartGridlinesFormat line Represents chart line formatting.
ChartLegend format Represents the formatting of a chart legend, which includes fill and font formatting.
overlay Specifies if the chart legend should overlap with the main body of the chart.
position Specifies the position of the legend on the chart.
visible Specifies if the chart legend is visible.
ChartLegendFormat fill Represents the fill format of an object, which includes background formatting information.
font Represents the font attributes such as font name, font size, and color of a chart legend.
ChartLineFormat clear() Clears the line format of a chart element.
color HTML color code representing the color of lines in the chart.
ChartPoint format Encapsulates the format properties chart point.
value Returns the value of a chart point.
ChartPointFormat fill Represents the fill format of a chart, which includes background formatting information.
ChartPointsCollection count Returns the number of chart points in the series.
getItemAt(index: number) Retrieve a point based on its position within the series.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
ChartSeries format Represents the formatting of a chart series, which includes fill and line formatting.
name Specifies the name of a series in a chart.
points Returns a collection of all points in the series.
ChartSeriesCollection count Returns the number of series in the collection.
getItemAt(index: number) Retrieves a series based on its position in the collection.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
ChartSeriesFormat fill Represents the fill format of a chart series, which includes background formatting information.
line Represents line formatting.
ChartTitle format Represents the formatting of a chart title, which includes fill and font formatting.
overlay Specifies if the chart title will overlay the chart.
text Specifies the chart's title text.
visible Specifies if the chart title is visible.
ChartTitleFormat fill Represents the fill format of an object, which includes background formatting information.
font Represents the font attributes (such as font name, font size, and color) for an object.
NamedItem getRange() Returns the range object that is associated with the name.
name The name of the object.
type Specifies the type of the value returned by the name's formula.
value Represents the value computed by the name's formula.
visible Specifies if the object is visible.
NamedItemCollection getItem(name: string) Gets a NamedItem object using its name.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
Range address Specifies the range reference in A1-style.
addressLocal Represents the range reference for the specified range in the language of the user.
cellCount Specifies the number of cells in the range.
clear(applyTo?: Excel.ClearApplyTo) Clear range values and formatting, such as fill and border.
columnCount Specifies the total number of columns in the range.
columnIndex Specifies the column number of the first cell in the range.
delete(shift: Excel.DeleteShiftDirection) Deletes the cells associated with the range.
format Returns a format object, encapsulating the range's font, fill, borders, alignment, and other properties.
formulas Represents the formula in A1-style notation.
formulasLocal Represents the formula in A1-style notation, in the user's language and number-formatting locale.
getBoundingRect(anotherRange: Range | string) Gets the smallest range object that encompasses the given ranges.
getCell(row: number, column: number) Gets the range object containing the single cell based on row and column numbers.
getColumn(column: number) Gets a column contained in the range.
getEntireColumn() Gets an object that represents the entire column of the range (for example, if the current range represents cells "B4:E11", its getEntireColumn is a range that represents columns "B:E").
getEntireRow() Gets an object that represents the entire row of the range (for example, if the current range represents cells "B4:E11", its GetEntireRow is a range that represents rows "4:11").
getIntersection(anotherRange: Range | string) Gets the range object that represents the rectangular intersection of the given ranges.
getLastCell() Gets the last cell within the range.
getLastColumn() Gets the last column within the range.
getLastRow() Gets the last row within the range.
getOffsetRange(rowOffset: number, columnOffset: number) Gets an object which represents a range that's offset from the specified range.
getRow(row: number) Gets a row contained in the range.
insert(shift: Excel.InsertShiftDirection) Inserts a cell or a range of cells into the worksheet in place of this range, and shifts the other cells to make space.
numberFormat Represents Excel's number format code for the given range.
rowCount Returns the total number of rows in the range.
rowIndex Returns the row number of the first cell in the range.
select() Selects the specified range in the Excel UI.
text Text values of the specified range.
valueTypes Specifies the type of data in each cell.
values Represents the raw values of the specified range.
worksheet The worksheet containing the current range.
RangeBorder color HTML color code representing the color of the border line, in the form #RRGGBB (e.g., "FFA500"), or as a named HTML color (e.g., "orange").
sideIndex Constant value that indicates the specific side of the border.
style One of the constants of line style specifying the line style for the border.
weight Specifies the weight of the border around a range.
RangeBorderCollection count Number of border objects in the collection.
getItem(index: Excel.BorderIndex) Gets a border object using its name.
getItemAt(index: number) Gets a border object using its index.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
RangeFill clear() Resets the range background.
color HTML color code representing the color of the background, in the form #RRGGBB (e.g., "FFA500"), or as a named HTML color (e.g., "orange")
RangeFont bold Represents the bold status of the font.
color HTML color code representation of the text color (e.g., #FF0000 represents Red).
italic Specifies the italic status of the font.
name Font name (e.g., "Calibri").
size Font size.
underline Type of underline applied to the font.
RangeFormat borders Collection of border objects that apply to the overall range.
fill Returns the fill object defined on the overall range.
font Returns the font object defined on the overall range.
horizontalAlignment Represents the horizontal alignment for the specified object.
verticalAlignment Represents the vertical alignment for the specified object.
wrapText Specifies if Excel wraps the text in the object.
Table columns Represents a collection of all the columns in the table.
delete() Deletes the table.
getDataBodyRange() Gets the range object associated with the data body of the table.
getHeaderRowRange() Gets the range object associated with the header row of the table.
getRange() Gets the range object associated with the entire table.
getTotalRowRange() Gets the range object associated with the totals row of the table.
id Returns a value that uniquely identifies the table in a given workbook.
name Name of the table.
rows Represents a collection of all the rows in the table.
showHeaders Specifies if the header row is visible.
showTotals Specifies if the total row is visible.
style Constant value that represents the table style.
TableCollection add(address: Range | string, hasHeaders: boolean) Creates a new table.
count Returns the number of tables in the workbook.
getItem(key: string) Gets a table by name or ID.
getItemAt(index: number) Gets a table based on its position in the collection.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
TableColumn delete() Deletes the column from the table.
getDataBodyRange() Gets the range object associated with the data body of the column.
getHeaderRowRange() Gets the range object associated with the header row of the column.
getRange() Gets the range object associated with the entire column.
getTotalRowRange() Gets the range object associated with the totals row of the column.
id Returns a unique key that identifies the column within the table.
index Returns the index number of the column within the columns collection of the table.
name Specifies the name of the table column.
values Represents the raw values of the specified range.
TableColumnCollection add(index?: number, values?: Array<Array<boolean | string | number>> | boolean | string | number, name?: string) Adds a new column to the table.
count Returns the number of columns in the table.
getItem(key: number | string) Gets a column object by name or ID.
getItemAt(index: number) Gets a column based on its position in the collection.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
TableRow delete() Deletes the row from the table.
getRange() Returns the range object associated with the entire row.
index Returns the index number of the row within the rows collection of the table.
values Represents the raw values of the specified range.
TableRowCollection add(index?: number, values?: Array<Array<boolean | string | number>> | boolean | string | number, alwaysInsert?: boolean) Adds one or more rows to the table.
count Returns the number of rows in the table.
getItemAt(index: number) Gets a row based on its position in the collection.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
Workbook application Represents the Excel application instance that contains this workbook.
bindings Represents a collection of bindings that are part of the workbook.
getSelectedRange() Gets the currently selected single range from the workbook.
names Represents a collection of workbook-scoped named items (named ranges and constants).
tables Represents a collection of tables associated with the workbook.
worksheets Represents a collection of worksheets associated with the workbook.
Worksheet activate() Activate the worksheet in the Excel UI.
charts Returns a collection of charts that are part of the worksheet.
delete() Deletes the worksheet from the workbook.
getCell(row: number, column: number) Gets the Range object containing the single cell based on row and column numbers.
getRange(address?: string) Gets the Range object, representing a single rectangular block of cells, specified by the address or name.
id Returns a value that uniquely identifies the worksheet in a given workbook.
name The display name of the worksheet.
position The zero-based position of the worksheet within the workbook.
tables Collection of tables that are part of the worksheet.
visibility The visibility of the worksheet.
WorksheetCollection add(name?: string) Adds a new worksheet to the workbook.
getActiveWorksheet() Gets the currently active worksheet in the workbook.
getItem(key: string) Gets a worksheet object using its name or ID.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.

See also