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What's new in Excel JavaScript API 1.4

The following are the new additions to the Excel JavaScript APIs in requirement set 1.4.

Named item add and new properties

New properties:

  • comment
  • scope - Worksheet or workbook scoped items.
  • worksheet - Returns the worksheet on which the named item is scoped to.

New methods:

  • add(name: string, reference: Range or string, comment: string) - Adds a new name to the collection of the given scope.
  • addFormulaLocal(name: string, formula: string, comment: string) - Adds a new name to the collection of the given scope using the user's locale for the formula.

Settings API in the Excel namespace

The Setting object represents a key:value pair for a setting persisted to the document. The functionality of Excel.Setting is equivalent to Office.Settings, but uses the batched API syntax, rather than the Common API's callback model.

APIs include getItem() to get setting entry via the key and add() to add the specified key:value setting pair to the workbook.


  • Set the table column name.
  • Add a table column to the end of the table.
  • Add multiple rows to a table at a time.
  • range.getColumnsAfter(count: number) and range.getColumnsBefore(count: number) to get a certain number of columns to the right/left of the current Range object.
  • The *OrNullObject methods and properties: This functionality allows getting an object using a key. If the object does not exist, the returned object's isNullObject property will be true. This allows developers to check if an object exists without having to handle it through exception handling. An *OrNullObject method is available on most collection objects.

API list

The following table lists the APIs in Excel JavaScript API requirement set 1.4. To view API reference documentation for all APIs supported by Excel JavaScript API requirement set 1.4 or earlier, see Excel APIs in requirement set 1.4 or earlier.

Class Fields Description
BindingCollection getCount() Gets the number of bindings in the collection.
getItemOrNullObject(id: string) Gets a binding object by ID.
ChartCollection getCount() Returns the number of charts in the worksheet.
getItemOrNullObject(name: string) Gets a chart using its name.
ChartPointsCollection getCount() Returns the number of chart points in the series.
ChartSeriesCollection getCount() Returns the number of series in the collection.
NamedItem comment Specifies the comment associated with this name.
delete() Deletes the given name.
getRangeOrNullObject() Returns the range object that is associated with the name.
scope Specifies if the name is scoped to the workbook or to a specific worksheet.
worksheet Returns the worksheet on which the named item is scoped to.
worksheetOrNullObject Returns the worksheet to which the named item is scoped.
NamedItemCollection add(name: string, reference: Range | string, comment?: string) Adds a new name to the collection of the given scope.
addFormulaLocal(name: string, formula: string, comment?: string) Adds a new name to the collection of the given scope using the user's locale for the formula.
getCount() Gets the number of named items in the collection.
getItemOrNullObject(name: string) Gets a NamedItem object using its name.
PivotTableCollection getCount() Gets the number of pivot tables in the collection.
getItemOrNullObject(name: string) Gets a PivotTable by name.
Range getIntersectionOrNullObject(anotherRange: Range | string) Gets the range object that represents the rectangular intersection of the given ranges.
getUsedRangeOrNullObject(valuesOnly?: boolean) Returns the used range of the given range object.
RangeViewCollection getCount() Gets the number of RangeView objects in the collection.
Setting delete() Deletes the setting.
key The key that represents the ID of the setting.
value Represents the value stored for this setting.
SettingCollection add(key: string, value: string | number | boolean | Date | any[] | any) Sets or adds the specified setting to the workbook.
getCount() Gets the number of settings in the collection.
getItem(key: string) Gets a setting entry via the key.
getItemOrNullObject(key: string) Gets a setting entry via the key.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
onSettingsChanged Occurs when the settings in the document are changed.
SettingsChangedEventArgs settings Gets the Setting object that represents the binding that raised the settings changed event
TableCollection getCount() Gets the number of tables in the collection.
getItemOrNullObject(key: string) Gets a table by name or ID.
TableColumnCollection getCount() Gets the number of columns in the table.
getItemOrNullObject(key: number | string) Gets a column object by name or ID.
TableRowCollection getCount() Gets the number of rows in the table.
Workbook settings Represents a collection of settings associated with the workbook.
Worksheet getUsedRangeOrNullObject(valuesOnly?: boolean) The used range is the smallest range that encompasses any cells that have a value or formatting assigned to them.
names Collection of names scoped to the current worksheet.
WorksheetCollection getCount(visibleOnly?: boolean) Gets the number of worksheets in the collection.
getItemOrNullObject(key: string) Gets a worksheet object using its name or ID.

See also