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DoCmd.SetMenuItem method (Access)

The SetMenuItem method carries out the SetMenuItem action in Visual Basic.


expression.SetMenuItem (MenuIndex, CommandIndex, SubcommandIndex, Flag)

expression A variable that represents a DoCmd object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
MenuIndex Required Variant An integer, counting from 0, that is the valid index of a menu on the custom menu bar or global menu bar for the active window, as defined in the menu bar macro for the custom menu bar or global menu bar.

If you select a menu with this argument and leave the CommandIndex and SubcommandIndex arguments blank (or set them to 1), you can enable or disable the menu name itself. You can't, however, check or uncheck a menu name (Microsoft Access ignores the acMenuCheck and acMenuUncheck settings for the Flag argument for menu names).
CommandIndex Optional Variant An integer, counting from 0, that's the valid index of a command on the menu selected by the MenuIndex argument, as defined in the macro group that defines the selected menu for the custom menu bar or global menu bar for the active window.
SubcommandIndex Optional Variant An integer, counting from 0, that's the valid index of a subcommand in the submenu selected by the CommandIndex argument, as defined in the macro group that defines the selected submenu for the custom menu bar or global menu bar for the active window.
Flag Optional Variant The state you want to set the command or subcommand to. Can be one of the following constants:
  • acMenuCheck
  • acMenuGray
  • acMenuUncheck
  • acMenuUngray (default)


Use the SetMenuItem method to set the state of menu items (enabled or disabled, checked or unchecked) on the custom menu bar or global menu bar for the active window.


The SetMenuItem method works only with custom menu bars and global menu bars created by using menu bar macros. The SetMenuItem method is included in this version of Access only for compatibility with versions prior to Access 97. It doesn't work with the new command bars functionality.

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