
다음을 통해 공유

ApplicationSettings.SetRasterExportResolution method (Visio)

Specifies the raster export resolution settings.


expression.SetRasterExportResolution (resolution, Width, Height, resolutionUnits)

expression An expression that returns an ApplicationSettings object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
resolution Required VisRasterExportResolution The raster export resolution. For possible values, see Remarks.
Width Optional Double The raster export resolution width. Must be greater than or equal to 1.
Height Optional Double The raster export resolution height. Must be greater than or equal to 1.
resolutionUnits Optional VisRasterExportResolutionUnits The units used to specify resolution. For possible values, see Remarks.

Return value



The resolution parameter must be one of the following VisRasterExportResolution constants.

Constant Value Description
visRasterUseScreenResolution 0 Use screen resolution.
visRasterUsePrinterResolution 1 Use printer resolution.
visRasterUseSourceResolution 2 Use source resolution.
visRasterUseCustomResolution 3 Use custom resolution.

If resolution is a constant other than visRasterUseCustomResolution, SetRasterExportResolution ignores all other parameters.

If resolution is visRasterUseCustomResolution, SetRasterExportResolution accepts values for all parameters if they meet the noted constraints. If they don't meet these constraints, SetRasterExportResolution returns an Invalid Parameter error.

The resolutionUnits parameter must be one of the following VisRasterExportResolutionUnits constants.

Constant Value Description
visRasterPixelsPerInch 0 Pixels per inch.
visRasterPixelsPerCm 1 Pixels per centimeter.

When the SetRasterExportResolution method runs successfully, the resulting settings will remain in effect until you either run the method again or change the settings in the user interface.

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