
다음을 통해 공유

AddIn object (Word)

Represents a single add-in, either installed or not installed. The AddIn object is a member of the AddIns collection. The AddIns collection contains all the add-ins available to Microsoft Word, regardless of whether they are currently loaded. The AddIns collection includes global templates or Word add-in libraries (WLLs) displayed in the Templates and Add-ins dialog box.


Use AddIns (index), where index is the add-in name or index number, to return a single AddIn object. You must exactly match the spelling (but not necessarily the capitalization) of the name, as it is shown in the Templates and Add-Ins dialog box. The following example loads the Letter.dot template as a global template.

AddIns("Letter.dot").Installed = True

The index number represents the position of the add-in in the list of add-ins in the Templates and Add-ins dialog box. The following instruction displays the path of the first available add-in.

If Addins.Count >= 1 Then MsgBox Addins(1).Path

The following example creates a list of add-ins at the beginning of the active document. The list contains the name, path, and installed state of each available add-in.

With ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=0) 
 .InsertAfter "Name" & vbTab & "Path" & vbTab & "Installed" 
 For Each oAddIn In AddIns 
 .InsertAfter oAddIn.Name & vbTab & oAddIn.Path & vbTab _ 
 & oAddIn.Installed 
 Next oAddIn 
End With

Use the Add method to add an add-in to the list of available add-ins and (optionally) install it using the Install argument.

AddIns.Add FileName:="C:\Templates\Other\Letter.dot", Install:=True

To install an add-in shown in the list of available add-ins, use the Installed property.

AddIns("Letter.dot").Installed = True


Use the Compiled property to determine whether an AddIn object is a template or a WLL.



See also

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