
다음을 통해 공유

Global.AddIns property (Word)

Returns an AddIns collection that represents all available add-ins, regardless of whether they're currently loaded. Read-only.


expression. AddIns

expression A variable that represents a 'Global' object.


The AddIns collection includes the global templates and Word add-in libraries (WLLs) listed in the Templates and Add-ins dialog box (Tools menu).

For information about returning a single member of a collection, see Returning an object from a collection.


This example returns the total number of add-ins.

Dim intAddIns as Integer 
intAddIns = AddIns.Count

This example displays the name of each add-in in the Addins collection.

Dim addinLoop as AddIn 
For Each addinLoop In AddIns 
 MsgBox addinLoop.Name 
Next addinLoop

See also

Global Object

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