
다음을 통해 공유

Global.DDEPoke method (Word)

Uses an open dynamic data exchange (DDE) channel to send data to an application.


expression. DDEPoke( _Channel_ , _Item_ , _Data_ )

expression A variable that represents a 'Global' object. Optional.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
Channel Required Long The channel number returned by the DDEInitiate method.
Item Required String The item within a DDE topic to which the specified data is to be sent.
Data Required String The data to be sent to the receiving application (the DDE server).


If the DDEPoke method isn't successful, an error occurs.


This example opens the Microsoft Excel workbook Sales.xls and inserts "1996 Sales" into cell R1C1.

Dim lngChannel As Long 
lngChannel = DDEInitiate(App:="Excel", Topic:="System") 
DDEExecute Channel:=lngChannel, Command:="[OPEN(" & Chr(34) _ 
 & "C:\Sales.xls" & Chr(34) & ")] 
DDETerminate Channel:=lngChannel 
lngChannel = DDEInitiate(App:="Excel", Topic:="Sales.xls") 
DDEPoke Channel:=lngChannel, Item:="R1C1", Data:="1996 Sales" 
DDETerminate Channel:=lngChannel

See also

Global Object

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