
다음을 통해 공유

Copy, GetFromClipboard, GetText methods, DataObject object example

The following example demonstrates data movement from a TextBox to the Clipboard, from the Clipboard to a DataObject, and from a DataObject into another TextBox. The GetFromClipboard method transfers the data from the Clipboard to a DataObject. The Copy and GetText methods are also used.

To use this example, copy this sample code to the Declarations portion of a form. Make sure that the form contains:

  • Two TextBox controls named TextBox1 and TextBox2.
  • A CommandButton named CommandButton1.
Dim MyData as DataObject 
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 
 'Need to select text before copying it to Clipboard 
 TextBox1.SelStart = 0 
 TextBox1.SelLength = TextBox1.TextLength 
 TextBox2.Text = MyData.GetText(1) 
End Sub 
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() 
 Set MyData = New DataObject 
 TextBox1.Text = "Move this data to the " _ 
 & "Clipboard, to a DataObject, then to " 
 & "TextBox2!" 
End Sub 

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