
다음을 통해 공유

LTrim, RTrim, and Trim functions

Returns a Variant (String) containing a copy of a specified string without leading spaces (LTrim), trailing spaces (RTrim), or both leading and trailing spaces (Trim).



The required string argument is any valid string expression. If string contains Null, Null is returned.


This example uses the LTrim function to strip leading spaces, and the RTrim function to strip trailing spaces from a string variable. It uses the Trim function to strip both types of spaces.

Dim MyString, TrimString
MyString = "  <-Trim->  "    ' Initialize string.
TrimString = LTrim(MyString)    ' TrimString = "<-Trim->  ".
TrimString = RTrim(MyString)    ' TrimString = "  <-Trim->".
TrimString = LTrim(RTrim(MyString))    ' TrimString = "<-Trim->".
' Using the Trim function alone achieves the same result.
TrimString = Trim(MyString)    ' TrimString = "<-Trim->".

See also

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