
다음을 통해 공유

SetAttr statement

Sets attribute information for a file.


SetAttr pathname, attributes

The SetAttr statement syntax has these named arguments:

Part Description
pathname Required. String expression that specifies a file name; may include directory or folder, and drive.
attributes Required. Constant or numeric expression whose sum specifies file attributes.


The attributes argument settings are:

Constant Value Description
vbNormal 0 Normal (default)
vbReadOnly 1 Read-only
vbHidden 2 Hidden
vbSystem 4 System file. Not available on the Macintosh.
vbArchive 32 File has changed since last backup.
vbAlias 64 Specified file name is an alias. Available only on the Macintosh.


These constants are specified by Visual Basic for Applications. The names can be used anywhere in your code in place of the actual values.


A run-time error occurs if you try to set the attributes of an open file.


This example uses the SetAttr statement to set attributes for a file. On the Macintosh, only the constants vbNormal, vbReadOnly, vbHidden, and vbAlias are available.

SetAttr "TESTFILE", vbHidden ' Set hidden attribute. 
SetAttr "TESTFILE", vbHidden + vbReadOnly ' Set hidden and read-only 
 ' attributes. 

See also

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