다음을 통해 공유 Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access Group Object

name: Pre-Windows 2000 operating system Compatible Access

RID: 554

member: The initial membership of this group depends on the version of Windows running on the first DC of the domain and on the administrator's choice between "Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Permissions mode" and "Windows 2000-Only Permissions mode". In Windows 2000 Server operating system, in the Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Permissions mode, Everyone (S-1-1-0) is a member, and in the Windows 2000-Only Permissions mode, the membership is empty. In Windows Server 2003 operating system, in the Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Permissions mode, Everyone (S-1-1-0) and Anonymous (S-1-5-7) are members, and in the Windows 2000-Only Permissions mode, Authenticated Users (S-1-5-11) are members.