This information level structure is used in TRANS2_FIND_FIRST2 (section and TRANS2_FIND_NEXT2 (section responses to return the following information for all files that match the request's search criteria:

  • Creation, access, and last write timestamps

  • File size

  • File attributes

  • File name

       ULONG               ResumeKey (optional);
       SMB_DATE            CreationDate;
       SMB_TIME            CreationTime;
       SMB_DATE            LastAccessDate;
       SMB_TIME            LastAccessTime;
       SMB_DATE            LastWriteDate;
       SMB_TIME            LastWriteTime;
       ULONG               FileDataSize;
       ULONG               AllocationSize;
       SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTES Attributes;
       UCHAR               FileNameLength;
       SMB_STRING          FileName;

ResumeKey: (4 bytes): This field is optional. If the SMB_FIND_RETURN_RESUME_KEYS bit is set in the Flags field of the TRANS2_FIND_FIRST2 Request (section parameters, this field MUST contain the server-generated resume key. The resume key MUST be supplied in subsequent TRANS2_FIND_NEXT2 Requests to continue the search. If the SMB_FIND_RETURN_RESUME_KEYS bit is not set, then the server MUST NOT include this field.

CreationDate: (2 bytes): This field contains the date when the file was created.

CreationTime: (2 bytes): This field contains the time when the file was created.

LastAccessDate: (2 bytes): This field contains the date when the file was last accessed.

LastAccessTime: (2 bytes): This field contains the time when the file was last accessed.

LastWriteDate: (2 bytes): This field contains the date when data was last written to the file.

LastWriteTime: (2 bytes): This field contains the time when data was last written to the file.

FileDataSize: (4 bytes): This field contains the file size, in filesystem allocation units.

AllocationSize: (4 bytes): This field contains the size of the filesystem allocation unit, in bytes.

Attributes: (2 bytes): This field contains the file attributes.

FileNameLength: (1 byte): This field contains the length of the FileName field, in bytes.

FileName: (variable): This field contains the name of the file.<153>