다음을 통해 공유

4.2.1 IDL_DSAPrepareScript (Opnum 0)

The IDL_DSAPrepareScript method prepares the DC to run a maintenance script.

 ULONG IDL_DSAPrepareScript(
   [in] handle_t hRpc,
   [in] DWORD dwInVersion,
   [in, ref, switch_is(dwInVersion)] 
   [out, ref] DWORD* pdwOutVersion,
   [out, ref, switch_is(*pdwOutVersion)] 

hRpc: The RPC binding handle, as specified in [C706].

dwInVersion: The version of the request message.

pmsgIn: A pointer to the request message.

pdwOutVersion: A pointer to the version of the response message.

pmsgOut: A pointer to the response message.

Return Values: 0 if successful, or a Windows error code if a failure occurs.