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getEntityMainFormDescriptor (Client API reference)

Returns the default main form descriptor for the specified table.


Xrm.Utility.getEntityMainFormDescriptor(entityName, formId);


Name Type Required Description
entityName String Yes The logical name of the table.
formId String No The form ID of the table.


Type: Promise

Description: Returns a promise containing the default main form descriptor with the following values.

Parameter Name Type Description
Attributes Array of strings List of all the columns on the main form.
EntityLogicalName String The logical name of the specified table.
Id string The form ID of the specified table.
Label String The label of the specified table.
Name String The display name of the specified table.
Sections String The sections name of the specified table.
ShowLabel Boolean Indicates whether to show the label of the specified table or not.
Visible Boolean Indicates whether the form is visible or not.


The following sample code shows how to get the main form descriptor for a specified table.

  // Define the table and form ID
  var entityName = "account";
  var formId = "8448b78f-8f42-454e-8e2a-f8196b0419af";

  // Get the main form descriptor 
  Xrm.Utility.getEntityMainFormDescriptor(entityName, formId);
