getEntityMetadata (Client API)
Returns table definitions for the specified table.
Xrm.Utility.getEntityMetadata(entityName,attributes).then(successCallback, errorCallback)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
entityName |
String | Yes | The logical name of the table. |
attributes |
Array of strings | No | The columns to get definitions for. |
successCallback |
function | No | A function to call when the table definitions are returned. |
errorCallback |
function | No | A function to call when the operation fails. |
Type: Object
Description: An object containing the table definitions information with the following values.
Name | Type | Description |
ActivityTypeMask |
Number | Whether a custom activity should appear in the activity menus in the Web application. 0 indicates that the custom activity doesn't appear; 1 indicates that it does appear. |
AutoRouteToOwnerQueue |
Boolean | Indicates whether to automatically move records to the owner's default queue when a record of this type is created or assigned. |
CanEnableSyncToExternalSearchIndex |
Boolean | For internal use only. |
CanTriggerWorkflow |
Boolean | Indicates whether the table can trigger a workflow process. |
Description |
String | Description for the table. |
DisplayCollectionName |
String | Plural display name for the table. |
DisplayName |
String | Display name for the table. |
EnforceStateTransitions |
Boolean | Indicates whether the table will enforce custom state transitions. |
EntityColor |
String | The hexadecimal code to represent the color to be used for this table in the application. |
EntitySetName |
String | The name of the Web API table set for this table. |
HasActivities |
Boolean | Indicates whether activities are associated with this table. |
IsActivity |
Boolean | Indicates whether the table is an activity. |
IsActivityParty |
Boolean | Indicates whether the email messages can be sent to an email address stored in a record of this type. |
IsBusinessProcessEnabled |
Boolean | Indicates whether the table is enabled for business process flows. |
IsBPFEntity |
Boolean | Indicates whether the table is a business process flow table. |
IsChildEntity |
Boolean | Indicates whether the table is a child table. |
IsConnectionsEnabled |
Boolean | Indicates whether connections are enabled for this table. |
IsCustomEntity |
Boolean | Indicates whether the table is a custom table. |
IsCustomizable |
Boolean | Indicates whether the table is customizable. |
IsDocumentManagementEnabled |
Boolean | Indicates whether document management is enabled. |
IsDocumentRecommendationsEnabled |
Boolean | Indicates whether the document recommendations is enabled. |
IsDuplicateDetectionEnabled |
Boolean | Indicates whether duplicate detection is enabled. |
IsEnabledForCharts |
Boolean | Indicates whether charts are enabled. |
IsImportable |
Boolean | Indicates whether the table can be imported using the Import Wizard. |
IsInteractionCentricEnabled |
Boolean | Indicates the table is enabled for interactive experience. |
IsKnowledgeManagementEnabled |
Boolean | Indicates whether knowledge management is enabled for the table. |
IsMailMergeEnabled |
Boolean | Indicates whether mail merge is enabled for this table. |
IsManaged |
Boolean | Indicates whether the table is part of a managed solution. |
IsOneNoteIntegrationEnabled |
Boolean | Indicates whether OneNote integration is enabled for the table. |
IsOptimisticConcurrencyEnabled |
Boolean | Indicates whether optimistic concurrency is enabled for the table. |
IsQuickCreateEnabled |
Boolean | Indicates whether the table is enabled for quick create forms. |
IsStateModelAware |
Boolean | Indicates whether the table supports setting custom state transitions. |
IsValidForAdvancedFind |
Boolean | Indicates whether the table is will be shown in Advanced Find. |
IsVisibleInMobileClient |
Boolean | Indicates whether Microsoft Dynamics 365 for tablets users can see data for this table. |
IsEnabledInUnifiedInterface |
Boolean | Indicates whether the table is enabled for Unified Interface. |
LogicalCollectionName |
String | The logical collection name. |
LogicalName |
String | The logical name for the table. |
ObjectTypeCode |
Number | The table type code. |
OwnershipType |
String | The ownership type for the table: UserOwned or OrganizationOwned . |
PrimaryIdAttribute |
String | The name of the column that is the primary id for the table. |
PrimaryImageAttribute |
String | The name of the primary image column for a table. |
PrimaryNameAttribute |
String | The name of the primary column for a table. |
Privileges |
Array of objects | Objects that define the security privilege for access to a table. See Privilege object |
Attributes |
Collection | A collection of column definitions objects. See Attribute objects |
Privilege objects have the following properties to define the security privilege for access to a table:
Name | Type | Description |
CanBeBasic |
Boolean | Whether the privilege can be basic access level. |
CanBeDeep |
Boolean | Whether the privilege can be deep access level. |
CanBeEntityReference |
Boolean | Whether the privilege for an external party can be basic access level. |
CanBeGlobal |
Boolean | Whether the privilege can be global access level. |
CanBeLocal |
Boolean | Whether the privilege can be local access level. |
CanBeParentEntityReference |
Boolean | Whether the privilege for an external party can be parent access level. |
Name |
String | The name of the privilege. |
PrivilegeId |
String | The ID of the privilege. |
PrivilegeType |
Number | The type of privilege, which is one of the following: 0 : None 1 : Create 2 : Read 3 : Write 4 : Delete 5 : Assign 6 : Share 7 : Append 8 : AppendTo |
The object returned depends on the type of column definitions.
All column definitions have these shared properties:
Name | Type | Description |
AttributeType |
Number | Type of a column. For a list of column type values, see AttributeTypeCode Enum |
DisplayName |
String | Display name for the column |
EntityLogicalName |
String | Logical name of the table that contains the column. |
LogicalName |
String | Logical name for the column. |
Yes/No columns have these properties:
Name | Type | Description |
DefaultFormValue |
Boolean | Default value for a Yes/No column. |
OptionSet |
Object | Options for the boolean column where each option is a key:value pair. |
Choice columns have this property:
Name | Type | Description |
OptionSet |
Object | Options for the column where each option is a key:value pair. |
Choices columns have these properties:
Name | Type | Description |
DefaultFormValue |
Boolean | Default value for the column. |
OptionSet |
Object | Options for the boolean column where each option is a key:value pair. |
State columns have this property:
Name | Type | Description |
OptionSet |
Object | Options for the column where each option is a key:value pair. |
State columns also have these methods that accept the value of one of the OptionSet
option values as the arg
Name | Return Type | Description |
getDefaultStatus(arg) |
Number | Returns the default status (number) based on the passed in state value for a table. For default state and status values for a table, see table definitions information of the table in Dataverse table/entity reference. |
getStatusValuesForState(arg) |
Array of numbers | Returns possible status values (array of numbers) for a specified state value. For state and status values for a table, see table definitions information of the table in Dataverse table/entity reference. |
Status columns have this property:
Name | Type | Description |
OptionSet |
Object | Options for the column where each option is a key:value pair. |
Status columns also have this method that accepts the value of one of the OptionSet
option values as the arg
Name | Return Type | Description |
getState(arg) |
Number | Returns the state value (number) for the specified status value (number). For default state and status values for a table, see table definitions information of the table in Dataverse table/entity reference. |