다음을 통해 공유

DependsOn을 사용하는 리소스 종속성

구성을 작성하는 경우 리소스 블록을 추가하여 대상 노드의 측면을 구성합니다. 리소스 블록을 계속 추가하게 되면 구성을 관리하기에는 크고 불편할 수 있습니다. 이러한 문제 중 하나는 리소스 블록에 적용된 순서입니다. 일반적으로 리소스는 구성 내에서 정의된 순서대로 적용됩니다. 구성이 더 크고 복잡해지면 리소스가 다른 리소스에 종속되도록 지정하여 리소스의 적용된 순서를 변경하는 데 DependsOn 키를 사용할 수 있습니다.

DependsOn 키는 리소스 블록에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 다른 리소스 키와 동일한 키/값 메커니즘을 사용하여 정의됩니다. DependsOn 키는 다음 구문을 포함한 문자열의 배열을 사용합니다.

DependsOn = '[<Resource Type>]<Resource Name>', '[<Resource Type>]<Resource Name'

다음 예제에서는 공개 프로필을 설정하고 구성한 후에 방화벽 규칙을 구성합니다.

# Install the NetworkingDSC module to configure firewall rules and profiles.
Install-Module -Name NetworkingDSC

Configuration ConfigureFirewall
    Import-DSCResource -Name Firewall, FirewallProfile
    Node localhost
        Firewall Firewall
            Name                  = 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP'
            Ensure                = 'Present'
            Enabled               = 'True'
            DependsOn             = '[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic'

        FirewallProfile FirewallProfilePublic
            Name = 'Public'
            Enabled = 'True'
            DefaultInboundAction = 'Block'
            DefaultOutboundAction = 'Allow'
            AllowInboundRules = 'True'
            AllowLocalFirewallRules = 'False'
            AllowLocalIPsecRules = 'False'
            NotifyOnListen = 'True'
            LogFileName = '%systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\pfirewall.log'
            LogMaxSizeKilobytes = 16384
            LogAllowed = 'False'
            LogBlocked = 'True'
            LogIgnored = 'NotConfigured'

ConfigureFirewall -OutputPath C:\Temp\

구성을 적용하는 경우 방화벽 프로필은 리소스 블록이 정의되는 순서에 관계 없이 항상 먼저 구성됩니다. 구성을 적용하면 원하는 경우 되돌릴 수 있도록 구성이 위치한 대상 노드를 확인해야 합니다.

PS> Start-DSCConfiguration -Verbose -Wait -Path C:\Temp\ -ComputerName localhost

VERBOSE: Perform operation 'Invoke CimMethod' with following parameters, ''methodName' = SendConfigurationApply,'className' = MSFT_DSCLocalConfigurationManager,'namespaceName' = root/Microsoft/Windows/DesiredStateConfiguration'.
VERBOSE: An LCM method call arrived from computer SERVER01 with user sid S-1-5-21-181338-0189125723-1543119021-1282804.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ Start  Set      ]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [DSCEngine] Importing the module C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\NetworkingDsc\\DscResources\MSFT_Firewall\MSFT_Firewall.psm1 in force mode.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [DSCEngine] Importing the module C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\NetworkingDsc\\DscResources\MSFT_FirewallProfile\MSFT_FirewallProfile.psm1 in force mode.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ Start  Resource ]  [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ Start  Test     ]  [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Importing the module MSFT_FirewallProfile in force mode.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Test-TargetResource: Testing Firewall Public Profile.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Test-TargetResource: Firewall Public Profile "AllowInboundRules" is "NotConfigured" but should be "True". Change required.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Test-TargetResource: Firewall Public Profile "AllowLocalFirewallRules" is "NotConfigured" but should be "False". Change required.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Test-TargetResource: Firewall Public Profile "AllowLocalIPsecRules" is "NotConfigured" but should be "False". Change required.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Test-TargetResource: Firewall Public Profile "DefaultOutboundAction" is "NotConfigured" but should be "Allow". Change required.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Test-TargetResource: Firewall Public Profile "LogBlocked" is "False" but should be "True". Change required.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Test-TargetResource: Firewall Public Profile "LogMaxSizeKilobytes" is "4096" but should be "16384". Change required.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ End    Test     ]  [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic]  in 1.6890 seconds.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ Start  Set      ]  [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Importing the module MSFT_FirewallProfile in force mode.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Set-TargetResource: Setting Firewall Public Profile.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Set-TargetResource: Setting Firewall Public Profile parameter AllowInboundRules to "AllowInboundRules".
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Set-TargetResource: Setting Firewall Public Profile parameter AllowLocalFirewallRules to "AllowLocalFirewallRules".
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Set-TargetResource: Setting Firewall Public Profile parameter AllowLocalIPsecRules to "AllowLocalIPsecRules".
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Set-TargetResource: Setting Firewall Public Profile parameter DefaultOutboundAction to "DefaultOutboundAction".
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Set-TargetResource: Setting Firewall Public Profile parameter LogBlocked to "LogBlocked".
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Set-TargetResource: Setting Firewall Public Profile parameter LogMaxSizeKilobytes to "LogMaxSizeKilobytes".
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Set-TargetResource: Setting Firewall Public Profile updated.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ End    Set      ]  [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic]  in 10.0360 seconds.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ End    Resource ]  [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ Start  Resource ]  [[Firewall]Firewall]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ Start  Test     ]  [[Firewall]Firewall]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Importing the module MSFT_Firewall in force mode.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Test-TargetResource: Checking settings for firewall rule with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP'.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Test-TargetResource: Find firewall rule with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP'.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Get-FirewallRule: No Firewall Rule found with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP'.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Test-TargetResource: Firewall rule with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP' does not exist.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Test-TargetResource: Check Firewall rule with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP' returning False.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ End    Test     ]  [[Firewall]Firewall]  in 1.1780 seconds.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ Start  Set      ]  [[Firewall]Firewall]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Importing the module MSFT_Firewall in force mode.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Set-TargetResource: Applying settings for firewall rule with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP'.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Set-TargetResource: Find firewall rule with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP'.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Get-FirewallRule: No Firewall Rule found with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP'.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Set-TargetResource: We want the firewall rule with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP' to exist since Ensure is set to Present.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Set-TargetResource: We want the firewall rule with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP' to exist, but it does not.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] New-NetFirewallRule DisplayName: IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ End    Set      ]  [[Firewall]Firewall]  in 1.0850 seconds.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ End    Resource ]  [[Firewall]Firewall]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ End    Set      ]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ End    Set      ]    in  15.2880 seconds.
VERBOSE: Operation 'Invoke CimMethod' complete.
VERBOSE: Time taken for configuration job to complete is 15.385 seconds

그러면 FirewallProfile 리소스가 어떤 이유로 실패하는 경우 방화벽 블록이 먼저 정의되더라도 실행되지 않도록 합니다. DependsOn 키를 사용하면 보다 유연하게 리소스 블록을 그룹화하고 리소스가 실행되기 전에 종속성을 해결했는지 확인할 수 있습니다.

고급 구성에서 노드 간 종속성을 사용하여 훨씬 더 세부적으로 제어할 수도 있습니다(예: 클라이언트 도메인에 가입하기 전에 도메인 컨트롤러가 구성되었는지 확인).


위의 구성을 적용한 경우 키를 되돌려서 모든 변경 내용을 취소할 수 있습니다. 위의 예제에서 사용됨 키를 false로 설정하면 방화벽 규칙 및 프로필을 사용하지 않도록 설정합니다. 대상 노드가 이전 구성된 상태와 일치하도록 필요에 따라 예제를 수정해야 합니다.

        Firewall Firewall
            Name                  = 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP'
            Enabled               = 'False'
            DependsOn             = '[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic'

        FirewallProfile FirewallProfilePublic
            Name = 'Public'
            Enabled = 'False'

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