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How to add input types to a cmdlet help topic


Manual authoring of XML-based help is very difficult. The PlatyPS module allows you to write help in Markdown and then convert it to XML-based help. This makes it much easier to write and maintain help. PlatyPS can also create the Updateable Help packages for you. For more information, see Create XML-based help using PlatyPS.

This section describes how to add an INPUTS section to a PowerShell cmdlet Help topic. The INPUTS section lists the .NET classes of objects that the cmdlet accepts as input from the pipeline, either by value or by property name.

There is no limit to the number of classes that you can add to an INPUTS section. The input types are enclosed in a <command:inputTypes> node, with each class enclosed in a <command:inputType> element.

The schema includes two <maml:description> elements in each <command:inputType> element. However, the Get-Help cmdlet displays only the content of the <command:inputType>/<maml:description> element.

Beginning in PowerShell 3.0, the Get-Help cmdlet displays the content of the <maml:uri> element. This element lets you direct users to topics that describe the .NET class.

The following XML shows the <maml:inputTypes> node.

      <maml:name> Class name </maml:name>
      <maml:uri>  URI of a topic that describes the class </maml:uri>
      <maml:para> Brief description </maml:para>

The following XML shows an example of using the <maml:inputTypes> node to document an input type.

      <maml:para> You can pipe a date to the Set-Date cmdlet. <maml:para>