/DEFAULTLIB (Specify Default Library)
The latest version of this topic can be found at -DEFAULTLIB (Specify Default Library).
## Remarks
The name of a library to search when resolving external references.
## Remarks
The /DEFAULTLIB option adds one *library* to the list of libraries that LINK searches when resolving references. A library specified with /DEFAULTLIB is searched after libraries specified on the command line and before default libraries named in .obj files.
The [Ignore All Default Libraries](../Topic/-NODEFAULTLIB%20\(Ignore%20Libraries\).md) (/NODEFAULTLIB) option overrides /DEFAULTLIB:*library*. The [Ignore Libraries](../Topic/-NODEFAULTLIB%20\(Ignore%20Libraries\).md) (/NODEFAULTLIB:*library*) option overrides /DEFAULTLIB:*library* when the same *library* name is specified in both.
### To set this linker option in the Visual Studio development environment
- This linker option is not available from the Visual Studio development environment. To add a library to the link phase, use the **Additional Dependencies** property from the **Input** property page.
### To set this linker option programmatically
- See [AdditionalOptions](assetId:///P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.VCLinkerTool.AdditionalOptions?qualifyHint=False&autoUpgrade=True).
## See Also
[Setting Linker Options](../Topic/Setting%20Linker%20Options.md)
[Linker Options](../Topic/Linker%20Options.md)