다음을 통해 공유


The DDX_Slider function manages the transfer of int data between a slider control in a dialog box or form view and an int data member of the dialog box or form view object.

void AFXAPI DDX_Slider( 
   CDataExchange* pDX, 
   int nIDC, 
   int& value  

매개 변수

  • pDX
    A pointer to a CDataExchange object. The framework supplies this object to establish the context of the data exchange, including its direction.

  • nIDC
    The resource ID of the slider control.

  • value
    A reference to the value to be exchanged. This parameter holds or sets the slider control's current position.


When DDX_Slider is called, value is set to the current position of the control's thumb, or the value receives the position, depending on the direction of the exchange.

DDX에 대한 자세한 내용은 대화 상자 데이터 교환 및 유효성 검사를 참조하십시오. For information about slider controls, see Using CSliderCtrl.

요구 사항

Header: afxdd_.h

참고 항목





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표준 대화 상자 데이터 교환 루틴