다음을 통해 공유


This variable is accessible from a debugger or your program and allows you to tune allocation diagnostics.

int afxMemDF;


afxMemDF can have the following values as specified by the enumeration afxMemDF:

  • allocMemDF   Turns on debugging allocator (default setting in Debug library).

  • delayFreeMemDF   Delays freeing memory. While your program frees a memory block, the allocator does not return that memory to the underlying operating system. This will place maximum memory stress on your program.

  • checkAlwaysMemDF   Calls AfxCheckMemory every time memory is allocated or freed. This will significantly slow memory allocations and deallocations.


afxMemDF = allocMemDF | checkAlwaysMemDF;   

요구 사항

Header: afx.h

참고 항목


MFC 매크로 및 전역