다음을 통해 공유

ConfigurationSet 멤버

Represents the system configuration of a Virtual Machine.

다음 표에는 ConfigurationSet 유형으로 제공되는 멤버의 목록이 나와 있습니다.

공개 생성자

  Name 설명
  ConfigurationSet Initializes a new instance of the ConfigurationSet class.


공개 속성

  Name 설명
AdminPassword Gets or sets the administrator password to use for the Virtual Machine.
AdminUserName Gets or sets the name of the default administrator account.
ComputerName Gets or sets the computer name for the Virtual Machine.
ConfigurationSetType Gets or sets the configuration type for the configuration set.
CustomData Optional. Optional. Provides base64 encoded custom data to be passed to VM.
DisableSshPasswordAuthentication Gets or sets whether SSH authentication is disabled.
DomainJoin Gets or sets a DomainJoinSettings object that defines a domain to which the Virtual Machine will be joined. 
EnableAutomaticUpdates Gets or sets whether automatic updates are enabled for the Virtual Machine.
HostName Gets or sets the host name for the Virtual Machine.
InputEndpoints Gets or sets a collection of InputEndpoint objects that enable communication with the Virtual Machine.
NetworkInterfaces Optional.
NetworkSecurityGroup Optional. Gets or sets the Network Security Group associated with this role. Optional
PublicIPs Optional. Optional. A set of public IPs. Currently, only one additional public IP per role is supported in an IaaS deployment. The IP address is in addition to the default VIP for the deployment.
ResetPasswordOnFirstLogon Gets or sets whether the password should be reset the first time the administrator logs in.
SshSettings Gets or sets an SshSettings object that specifies the SSH public keys and key pairs to populate in the image during provisioning.
StaticVirtualNetworkIPAddress Optional. Specifies a Customer Address, i.e. an IP address assigned to a VM in a VNet's SubNet. For example:
StoredCertificateSettings Gets or sets a collection of StoredCertificateSettings objects that define the service certificates that should be added to the Virtual Machine.
SubnetNames Gets or sets a collection of Virtual Network subnet names.
TimeZone Gets or sets the time zone for the Virtual Machine.
UserName Gets or sets the name of a user account to be created in the sudoer group of the Virtual Machine.
UserPassword Gets or sets the password for the user account.
WindowsRemoteManagement Gets or sets a WindowsRemoteManagementSettings object that configures the Windows Remote Management service on the Virtual Machine.


공개 메서드

(보호됨 메서드 참고)

  Name 설명
Equals  (Object에서 상속됨)
GetHashCode  (Object에서 상속됨)
GetType  (Object에서 상속됨)
ToString  (Object에서 상속됨)


보호됨 메서드

  Name 설명
Finalize  (Object에서 상속됨)
MemberwiseClone  (Object에서 상속됨)


참고 항목


ConfigurationSet 클래스
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Compute.Models 네임스페이스