다음을 통해 공유

ExtensionImage 멤버

The Extension Image.

다음 표에는 ExtensionImage 유형으로 제공되는 멤버의 목록이 나와 있습니다.

공개 생성자

  Name 설명
  ExtensionImage 오버로드되었습니다.  


공개 속성

  Name 설명
BlockRoleUponFailure Optional. Optional. Its value has to be 'true' or 'false' (case-sensitive) When set to 'true', the role startup will be blocked till the extension installation completes. This flag should be set to 'true' when the role cannot start without the extension being installed. If set to 'false' (default value), the role will be started without waiting for the extension installation to complete. Supported on WebRole or WorkerRole, but ignored on VmRole.
Certificate Optional. Optional. Parameters of the the certificate for encrypting the private configuration data. Supported on WebRole or WorkerRole, but ignored on VmRole.
CompanyName Optional. String property containing the name of the company/organization who publishes the extension.
Description Optional. Required. Detailed description of the extension.
DisallowMajorVersionUpgrade Optional. Optional. If this is set to 'true' the extension version cannot be upgraded to from other major versions in active deployments. If the value is 'false' or nor present, the extension version can be upgraded to from any other version. Downgrade is not supported. The value has to be 'true' or 'false' (case-sensitive) if present.
Eula Optional. Optional. URL string pointing to the EULA (End User License Agreement) of this version of extension. This is optionally specified by the third-party publishing the extension instead of Windows Azure. If the software requires any additional EULAs, a link to the EULA should be provided.
ExtensionEndpoints Optional. Optional. Declared endpoints to automatically add to each deployment with this extension added.
HomepageUri Optional. Optional. URL string pointing to homepage of this version of extension. This is optionally specified by the third-party publishing the extension instead of Azure. The homepage should have usage information and contact information for customer support.
HostingResources Optional. Required. The supported hosting resources. It must contain 'WebRole' and/or 'WorkerRole'. E.g. 'WebRole|WorkerRole' or 'WebRole|WorkerRole|VmRole'.
IsJsonExtension Optional. Optional. If this is set to 'true' the extension is expected to receive JSON based configuration. If this is set to 'false' the extension is expected to receive XML based configuration. Its value has to be 'true' or 'false' (case-sensitive) if present.
Label Optional. Required. A one line label of the extension.
LocalResources Optional. Declared local resources used inside guest VM by the extension. Optional.
MediaLink Optional. Required. URI string pointing to the ZIP package of the extension. The ZIP package has to include the extension executable and other supporting files, and the PluginManifest.xml manifest. MediaLink value must point to a URL (either Http or Https) in a Azure blob storage and is downloadable. Windows Azure will copy the extension package from this source location and replicate it to all regions. The typical time for replication to complete is 20 minutes.
PrivacyUri Optional. Optional. URL string pointing to privacy document of this version of extension. This is optionally specified by the third-party publishing the extension instead of Azure. If the software collects any data and transfers out the guest VM, then an additional privacy document might be needed.
PrivateConfigurationSchema Optional. Optional. The XSD schema of private configuration data.
ProviderNameSpace Required. Required. The provider namespace of the extension.
PublicConfigurationSchema Optional. Optional. The XSD schema of public configuration data.
PublishedDate Optional. Publisher can set it to any arbitrary date, and this is only for display purpose. If not specified by publisher, Azure will automatically assign the UTC time when the extension request was received.
PublisherName Optional. Optional. Publisher name text.
ReplicationCompleted Optional. Indicates whether this version of extension has been replicated to all regions or not. If true, then the given extension version can be used in creating or updating deployments. Otherwise, the given extension version might cause failure in creating or updating deployments. The typical time is 20 minutes for a newly-registered or newly-updated extension to replicate completely by Azure.
SampleConfig Optional. Optional. A sample configuration for the extension. It can be downloaded by users, and the user can replace with customized input parameters. The sample configuration should be sufficiently commented. If configuration data are in XML format, then the XML document-level element must be 'Configuration', and the optional public configuration data corresponds to a child element of 'PublicConfig', and the optional private configuration data corresponds to a child element of 'PrivateConfig'. The sample configuration data should be validated against public and private configuration schema by the publisher.
SupportedOS Optional. String property indicating the OS which the extension supports. Current values are 'Windows' or 'Linux'.
Type Required. Required. The type of the extension.
Version Required. Required. The version of the extension.


공개 메서드

(보호됨 메서드 참고)

  Name 설명
Equals  (Object에서 상속됨)
GetHashCode  (Object에서 상속됨)
GetType  (Object에서 상속됨)
ToString  (Object에서 상속됨)


보호됨 메서드

  Name 설명
Finalize  (Object에서 상속됨)
MemberwiseClone  (Object에서 상속됨)


참고 항목


ExtensionImage 클래스
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Compute.Models 네임스페이스