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Advanced Features, MFC Application Wizard


The new home for Visual Studio documentation is Visual Studio 2017 Documentation on docs.microsoft.com.

The latest version of this topic can be found at Advanced Features, MFC Application Wizard.

This topic lists options for additional features for your application, such as Help, printing support, and so on. In each section, specify additional support for these advanced features.

Context-sensitive help (HTML)
Generates a set of help files for context-sensitive help, available by using F1 and a Help menu, or by clicking a Help button on a dialog box. Help support requires the help compiler. If you do not have the help compiler, you can install it by rerunning Setup.

See HTML Help: Context-Sensitive Help for Your Programs and Help Files (HTML Help) for more information.

Printing and print preview
Generates the code to handle the print, print setup and print preview commands by calling member functions in the CView Class from the MFC library. The wizard also adds commands for these functions to the application's menu. Printing support is available only for applications that specify Document/view architecture support in the Application Type, MFC Application Wizard page of the wizard. By default, document/view applications have printing support.

Specifies that the application can handle objects that are implemented in another application, or exposes the application to Automation clients.

ActiveX controls
Supports ActiveX controls (default). If you do not select this option and later want to insert ActiveX controls into your project, you must add a call to AfxEnableControlContainer in your application's CWinApp::InitInstance member function.

MAPI (Messaging API)
Specifies that the application can create, manipulate, transfer, and store mail messages.

Windows sockets
Supports Windows sockets, which you can use to write applications that communicate over TCP/IP networks.

Active Accessibility
Adds support for IAccessible to CWnd-derived classes, which you can use to customize the user interface for better interaction with accessibility clients.

Common Control Manifest
Enabled by default. Generates an application manifest to enable the Common Control DLL that is included with Microsoft Windows XP and newer operating systems.

Version 6 of the Common Control DLL does not automatically update the earlier version of the Common Controls that your existing applications use. To use version 6 of the Common Control DLL, you must create an application manifest that directs your application to load the DLL. This Common Control DLL also supports the Windows XP themes.

An application manifest can also specify other DLLs and versions that your application needs. For more information about application manifests, see Isolated Applications and Side-by-Side Assemblies in the Windows SDK.

Support Restart Manager
Adds support for the Windows Restart Manager. This video shows how to use the Restart Manager from MFC: How Do I: Use the New Restart Manager.

Advanced frame panes

Option Description
Explorer docking pane Creates a docking pane that resembles the Visual Studio Solution Explorer to the left of the main frame window.
Output docking frame Creates a docking pane that resembles the Visual Studio Output pane that is located under the main frame window.
Properties docking pane Creates a docking pane that resembles the Visual Studio Properties pane to the right of the main frame window.
Navigation pane Creates a docking pane that resembles the Outlook navigation bar and is located to the left of the main frame window.
Caption bar Creates an Office-style caption bar above the main frame window.

Number of files on recent file list
Specifies the number of files to be listed on the most recently used list. The default number is 4.

See Also

MFC Application Wizard