다음을 통해 공유


Finds range that matches a specified key.

std::pair<iterator, iterator>
    equal_range(const Key& keyval);
std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator>
    equal_range(const Key& keyval) const;

매개 변수

  • keyval
    Key value to search for.


The member function returns a pair of iterators X such that [X.first, X.second) delimits just those elements of the controlled sequence that have equivalent ordering with keyval. If no such elements exist, both iterators are end().



// std_tr1__unordered_map__unordered_multimap_equal_range.cpp 
// compile with: /EHsc 
#include <unordered_map> 
#include <iostream> 
typedef std::unordered_multimap<char, int> Mymap; 
int main() 
    Mymap c1; 
    c1.insert(Mymap::value_type('a', 1)); 
    c1.insert(Mymap::value_type('b', 2)); 
    c1.insert(Mymap::value_type('c', 3)); 
// display contents " [c 3] [b 2] [a 1]" 
    for (Mymap::const_iterator it = c1.begin(); 
        it != c1.end(); ++it) 
        std::cout << " [" << it->first << ", " << it->second << "]"; 
    std::cout << std::endl; 
// display results of failed search 
    std::pair<Mymap::iterator, Mymap::iterator> pair1 = 
    std::cout << "equal_range('x'):"; 
    for (; pair1.first != pair1.second; ++pair1.first) 
        std::cout << " [" << pair1.first->first 
            << ", " << pair1.first->second << "]"; 
    std::cout << std::endl; 
// display results of successful search 
    pair1 = c1.equal_range('b'); 
    std::cout << "equal_range('b'):"; 
    for (; pair1.first != pair1.second; ++pair1.first) 
        std::cout << " [" << pair1.first->first 
            << ", " << pair1.first->second << "]"; 
    std::cout << std::endl; 
    return (0); 

요구 사항


네임스페이스: std

참고 항목



unordered_multimap 클래스

기타 리소스

<unordered_map> 멤버