다음을 통해 공유


Defines a template tuple whose instances hold objects of varying types.

#include <tuple>


tuple 클래스

Wraps a fixed-length sequence of elements.

tuple_element 클래스 <tuple>

Wraps the type of a tuple element.

tuple_size 클래스 <tuple>

Wraps tuple element count.


operator== <tuple>

Comparison of tuple objects, equal

operator!= <tuple>

Comparison of tuple objects, not equal

operator< <tuple>

Comparison of tuple objects, less than

operator<= <tuple>

Comparison of tuple objects, less than or equal

operator> <tuple>

Comparison of tuple objects, greater than

operator>= <tuple>

Comparison of tuple objects, greater than or equal


get 함수 <tuple>

Gets an element from a tuple object.

make_tuple 함수

Makes a tuple from element values.

tie 함수

Makes a tuple from element references.

참고 항목

