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Mutex Class1


The new home for Visual Studio documentation is Visual Studio 2017 Documentation on docs.microsoft.com.

The latest version of this topic can be found at Mutex Class1.

Represents a synchronization object that exclusively controls a shared resource.


class Mutex : public HandleT<HandleTraits::MutexTraits>  


Public Typedefs

Name Description
SyncLock A synonym for a class that supports synchronous locks.

Public Constructor

Name Description
Mutex::Mutex Constructor Initializes a new instance of the Mutex class.

Public Members

Name Description
Mutex::Lock Method Waits until the current object, or the Mutex object associated with the specified handle, releases the mutex or the specified time-out interval has elapsed.

Public Operator

Name Description
Mutex::operator= Operator Assigns (moves) the specified Mutex object to the current Mutex object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Header: corewrappers.h

Namespace: Microsoft::WRL::Wrappers

See Also

Microsoft::WRL::Wrappers Namespace