다음을 통해 공유


This function allows you to register your server in the OLE system registry.

BOOL AFXAPI AfxOleRegisterServerClass( 
   REFCLSID clsid, 
   LPCTSTR lpszClassName, 
   LPCTSTR lpszShortTypeName, 
   LPCTSTR lpszLongTypeName, 
   LPCTSTR* rglpszRegister = NULL, 
   LPCTSTR* rglpszOverwrite = NULL  

매개 변수

  • clsid
    Reference to the server's OLE class ID.

  • lpszClassName
    Pointer to a string containing the class name of the server's objects.

  • lpszShortTypeName
    Pointer to a string containing the short name of the server's object type, such as "Chart."

  • lpszLongTypeName
    Pointer to a string containing the long name of the server's object type, such as "Microsoft Excel 5.0 Chart."

  • nAppType
    A value, taken from the OLE_APPTYPE enumeration, specifying the type of OLE application. Possible values are the following:

    • OAT_INPLACE_SERVER   Server has full server user-interface.

    • OAT_SERVER   Server supports only embedding.

    • OAT_CONTAINER   Container supports links to embeddings.

    • OAT_DISPATCH_OBJECT   IDispatch-capable object.

  • rglpszRegister
    Array of pointers to strings representing the keys and values to be added to the OLE system registry if no existing values for the keys are found.

  • rglpszOverwrite
    Array of pointers to strings representing the keys and values to be added to the OLE system registry if the registry contains existing values for the given keys.

반환 값

Nonzero if the server class is successfully registered; otherwise 0.


Most applications can use COleTemplateServer::Register to register the application's document types. If your application's system-registry format does not fit the typical pattern, you can use AfxOleRegisterServerClass for more control.

The registry consists of a set of keys and values. The rglpszRegister and rglpszOverwrite arguments are arrays of pointers to strings, each consisting of a key and a value separated by a NULL character ('\0'). Each of these strings can have replaceable parameters whose places are marked by the character sequences %1 through %5.

The symbols are filled in as follows:



Class ID, formatted as a string


클래스 이름


Path to executable file


Short type name


Long type name

요구 사항

Header: <afxdisp.h>

참고 항목




MFC 매크로 및 전역