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CList Class


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The latest version of this topic can be found at CList Class.

Supports ordered lists of nonunique objects accessible sequentially or by value.


template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE = const TYPE&>  
class CList : public CObject  


Public Constructors

Name Description
CList::CList Constructs an empty ordered list.

Public Methods

Name Description
CList::AddHead Adds an element (or all the elements in another list) to the head of the list (makes a new head).
CList::AddTail Adds an element (or all the elements in another list) to the tail of the list (makes a new tail).
CList::Find Gets the position of an element specified by pointer value.
CList::FindIndex Gets the position of an element specified by a zero-based index.
CList::GetAt Gets the element at a given position.
CList::GetCount Returns the number of elements in this list.
CList::GetHead Returns the head element of the list (cannot be empty).
CList::GetHeadPosition Returns the position of the head element of the list.
CList::GetNext Gets the next element for iterating.
CList::GetPrev Gets the previous element for iterating.
CList::GetSize Returns the number of elements in this list.
CList::GetTail Returns the tail element of the list (cannot be empty).
CList::GetTailPosition Returns the position of the tail element of the list.
CList::InsertAfter Inserts a new element after a given position.
CList::InsertBefore Inserts a new element before a given position.
CList::IsEmpty Tests for the empty list condition (no elements).
CList::RemoveAll Removes all the elements from this list.
CList::RemoveAt Removes an element from this list, specified by position.
CList::RemoveHead Removes the element from the head of the list.
CList::RemoveTail Removes the element from the tail of the list.
CList::SetAt Sets the element at a given position.


Type of object stored in the list.

Type used to reference objects stored in the list. Can be a reference.


CList lists behave like doubly-linked lists.

A variable of type POSITION is a key for the list. You can use a POSITION variable as an iterator to traverse a list sequentially and as a bookmark to hold a place. A position is not the same as an index, however.

Element insertion is very fast at the list head, at the tail, and at a known POSITION. A sequential search is necessary to look up an element by value or index. This search can be slow if the list is long.

If you need a dump of individual elements in the list, you must set the depth of the dump context to 1 or greater.

Certain member functions of this class call global helper functions that must be customized for most uses of the CList class. See Collection Class Helpers in the "Macros and Globals" section.

For more information on using CList, see the article Collections.


         // CList is a template class that takes two template arguments.
         // The first argument is type stored internally by the list, the
         // second argument is the type used in the arguments for the
         // CList methods.

         // This code defines a list of ints.
         CList<int,int> myIntList;

         // This code defines a list of CStrings
         CList<CString,CString&> myStringList;

         // This code defines a list of MYTYPEs,
         // NOTE: MYTYPE could be any struct, class or type definition
         CList<MYTYPE,MYTYPE&> myTypeList;

Inheritance Hierarchy




Header: afxtempl.h


Adds a new element or list of elements to the head of this list.

POSITION AddHead(ARG_TYPE newElement);  
void AddHead(CList* pNewList);
### Parameters  
 Template parameter specifying the type of the list element (can be a reference).  
 The new element.  
 A pointer to another `CList` list. The elements in `pNewList` will be added to this list.  
### Return Value  
 The first version returns the **POSITION** value of the newly inserted element.  
### Remarks  
 The list can be empty before the operation.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#36](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#36)]  
##  <a name="clist__addtail"></a>  CList::AddTail  
 Adds a new element or list of elements to the tail of this list.  

POSITION AddTail(ARG_TYPE newElement);
void AddTail(CList* pNewList); ```


Template parameter specifying the type of the list element (can be a reference).

The element to be added to this list.

A pointer to another CList list. The elements in pNewList will be added to this list.

Return Value

The first version returns the POSITION value of the newly inserted element.


The list can be empty before the operation.


         // Define myList and myList2.
         CList<CString,CString&> myList;
         CList<CString,CString&> myList2;

         // Add elements to the end of myList and myList2.

         // There are two versions of CList::AddTail: one adds a single
         // element to the end of the list, the second adds another list
         // to the end. 

         // This adds the string "ABC" to the end of myList.
         // myList is a list of CStrings (ie defined as CList<CString,CString&>).
         ASSERT(CString(_T("ABC")) == myList.GetTail());

         // This adds the elements of myList2 to the end of myList.


Constructs an empty ordered list.

CList(INT_PTR nBlockSize = 10);


The memory-allocation granularity for extending the list.


As the list grows, memory is allocated in units of nBlockSize entries.


         // This code defines myList as a list of strings
         // such that memory gets allocated in chunks of
         // 16 strings.
         CList<CString,CString&> myList(16);

         // This code defines myList2 as a list of ints
         // such that memory gets allocated in chunks of
         // 128 ints.
         CList<int,int> myList2(128);      


Searches the list sequentially to find the first element matching the specified searchValue.

    ARG_TYPE searchValue,  
    POSITION startAfter = NULL) const;  


Template parameter specifying the type of the list element (can be a reference).

The value to be found in the list.

The start position for the search. If no value is specified, the search begins with the head element.

Return Value

A POSITION value that can be used for iteration or object pointer retrieval; NULL if the object is not found.


         // Define myList.
         CList<CString,CString&> myList;

         // Add three elements to the list.

         // Find a specific element.
         POSITION pos = myList.Find(CString(_T("XYZ")));
         ASSERT(CString(_T("XYZ")) == myList.GetAt(pos));      


Uses the value of nIndex as an index into the list.

POSITION FindIndex(INT_PTR nIndex) const;  


The zero-based index of the list element to be found.

Return Value

A POSITION value that can be used for iteration or object pointer retrieval; NULL if nIndex is negative or too large.


It starts a sequential scan from the head of the list, stopping on the nth element.


         // Define myList.
         CList<CString,CString&> myList;

         // Add three elements to the list.

         // Verify the first element (index 0).
         ASSERT(CString(_T("XYZ")) == myList.GetAt(myList.FindIndex(0)));

         // Verify the third element (index 2).
         ASSERT(CString(_T("123")) == myList.GetAt(myList.FindIndex(2)));      


Gets the list element at a given position.

TYPE& GetAt(POSITION position);  
const TYPE& GetAt(POSITION position) const;  


Template parameter specifying the type of object in the list.

The position in the list of the element to get.

Return Value

See the return value description for GetHead.


GetAt returns the element (or a reference to the element) associated with a given position. It is not the same as an index, and you cannot operate on a POSITION value yourself. A variable of type POSITION is a key for the list.

You must ensure that your POSITION value represents a valid position in the list. If it is invalid, then the Debug version of the Microsoft Foundation Class Library asserts.


See the example for CList::GetHeadPosition.


Gets the number of elements in this list.

INT_PTR GetCount() const;  

Return Value

An integer value containing the element count.


Calling this method will generate the same result as the CList::GetSize method.


See the example for CList::RemoveHead.


Gets the head element (or a reference to the head element) of this list.

const TYPE& GetHead() const;  
TYPE& GetHead();
### Parameters  
 Template parameter specifying the type of object in the list.  
### Return Value  
 If the list is **const**, `GetHead` returns a copy of the element at the head of the list. This allows the function to be used only on the right side of an assignment statement and protects the list from modification.  
 If the list is not **const**, `GetHead` returns a reference to the element at the head of the list. This allows the function to be used on either side of an assignment statement and thus allows the list entries to be modified.  
### Remarks  
 You must ensure that the list is not empty before calling `GetHead`. If the list is empty, then the Debug version of the Microsoft Foundation Class Library asserts. Use [IsEmpty](#clist__isempty) to verify that the list contains elements.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#41](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#41)]  
##  <a name="clist__getheadposition"></a>  CList::GetHeadPosition  
 Gets the position of the head element of this list.  

POSITION GetHeadPosition() const;

### Return Value  
 A **POSITION** value that can be used for iteration or object pointer retrieval; **NULL** if the list is empty.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#42](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#42)]  
##  <a name="clist__getnext"></a>  CList::GetNext  
 Gets the list element identified by `rPosition`, then sets `rPosition` to the **POSITION** value of the next entry in the list.  

TYPE& GetNext(POSITION& rPosition);
const TYPE& GetNext(POSITION& rPosition) const;

### Parameters  
 Template parameter specifying the type of the elements in the list.  
 A reference to a **POSITION** value returned by a previous `GetNext`, [GetHeadPosition](#clist__getheadposition), or other member function call.  
### Return Value  
 If the list is **const**, `GetNext` returns a copy of an element of the list. This allows the function to be used only on the right side of an assignment statement and protects the list from modification.  
 If the list is not **const**, `GetNext` returns a reference to an element of the list. This allows the function to be used on either side of an assignment statement and thus allows the list entries to be modified.  
### Remarks  
 You can use `GetNext` in a forward iteration loop if you establish the initial position with a call to `GetHeadPosition` or **Find**.  
 You must ensure that your **POSITION** value represents a valid position in the list. If it is invalid, then the Debug version of the Microsoft Foundation Class Library asserts.  
 If the retrieved element is the last in the list, then the new value of `rPosition` is set to **NULL**.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#43](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#43)]  
##  <a name="clist__getprev"></a>  CList::GetPrev  
 Gets the list element identified by `rPosition`, then sets `rPosition` to the **POSITION** value of the previous entry in the list.  

TYPE& GetPrev(POSITION& rPosition);
const TYPE& GetPrev(POSITION& rPosition) const;

### Parameters  
 Template parameter specifying the type of the elements in the list.  
 A reference to a **POSITION** value returned by a previous `GetPrev` or other member function call.  
### Return Value  
 If the list is **const**, `GetPrev` returns a copy of the element at the head of the list. This allows the function to be used only on the right side of an assignment statement and protects the list from modification.  
 If the list is not **const**, `GetPrev` returns a reference to an element of the list. This allows the function to be used on either side of an assignment statement and thus allows the list entries to be modified.  
### Remarks  
 You can use `GetPrev` in a reverse iteration loop if you establish the initial position with a call to `GetTailPosition` or **Find**.  
 You must ensure that your **POSITION** value represents a valid position in the list. If it is invalid, then the Debug version of the Microsoft Foundation Class Library asserts.  
 If the retrieved element is the first in the list, then the new value of `rPosition` is set to **NULL**.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#44](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#44)]  
##  <a name="clist__getsize"></a>  CList::GetSize  
 Returns the number of list elements.  

INT_PTR GetSize() const;

### Return Value  
 The number of items in the list.  
### Remarks  
 Call this method to retrieve the number of elements in the list.  Calling this method will generate the same result as the [CList::GetCount](#clist__getcount) method.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#45](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#45)]  
##  <a name="clist__gettail"></a>  CList::GetTail  
 Gets the `CObject` pointer that represents the tail element of this list.  

TYPE& GetTail();
const TYPE& GetTail() const;

### Parameters  
 Template parameter specifying the type of elements in the list.  
### Return Value  
 See the return value description for [GetHead](../Topic/CObList%20Class.md#coblist__gethead).  
### Remarks  
 You must ensure that the list is not empty before calling `GetTail`. If the list is empty, then the Debug version of the Microsoft Foundation Class Library asserts. Use [IsEmpty](../Topic/CObList%20Class.md#coblist__isempty) to verify that the list contains elements.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#46](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#46)]  
##  <a name="clist__gettailposition"></a>  CList::GetTailPosition  
 Gets the position of the tail element of this list; **NULL** if the list is empty.  

POSITION GetTailPosition() const;

### Return Value  
 A **POSITION** value that can be used for iteration or object pointer retrieval; **NULL** if the list is empty.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#47](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#47)]  
##  <a name="clist__insertafter"></a>  CList::InsertAfter  
 Adds an element to this list after the element at the specified position.  

POSITION InsertAfter(POSITION position, ARG_TYPE newElement);

### Parameters  
 A **POSITION** value returned by a previous `GetNext`, `GetPrev`, or **Find** member function call.  
 Template parameter specifying the type of the list element.  
 The element to be added to this list.  
### Return Value  
 A **POSITION** value that can be used for iteration or list element retrieval.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#48](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#48)]  
##  <a name="clist__insertbefore"></a>  CList::InsertBefore  
 Adds an element to this list before the element at the specified position.  

POSITION InsertBefore(POSITION position, ARG_TYPE newElement);

### Parameters  
 A **POSITION** value returned by a previous `GetNext`, `GetPrev`, or **Find** member function call.  
 Template parameter specifying the type of the list element (can be a reference).  
 The element to be added to this list.  
### Return Value  
 A **POSITION** value that can be used for iteration or list element retrieval.  
### Remarks  
 If *position* is **NULL**, the element is inserted at the head of the list.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#49](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#49)]  
##  <a name="clist__isempty"></a>  CList::IsEmpty  
 Indicates whether this list contains no elements.  

BOOL IsEmpty() const;

### Return Value  
 Nonzero if this list is empty; otherwise 0.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#50](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#50)]  
##  <a name="clist__removeall"></a>  CList::RemoveAll  
 Removes all the elements from this list and frees the associated memory.  

void RemoveAll();

### Remarks  
 No error is generated if the list is already empty.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#51](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#51)]  
##  <a name="clist__removeat"></a>  CList::RemoveAt  
 Removes the specified element from this list.  

void RemoveAt(POSITION position);

### Parameters  
 The position of the element to be removed from the list.  
### Remarks  
 You must ensure that your **POSITION** value represents a valid position in the list. If it is invalid, then the Debug version of the Microsoft Foundation Class Library asserts.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#52](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#52)]  
##  <a name="clist__removehead"></a>  CList::RemoveHead  
 Removes the element from the head of the list and returns a pointer to it.  

TYPE RemoveHead();

### Parameters  
 Template parameter specifying the type of elements in the list.  
### Return Value  
 The element previously at the head of the list.  
### Remarks  
 You must ensure that the list is not empty before calling `RemoveHead`. If the list is empty, then the Debug version of the Microsoft Foundation Class Library asserts. Use [IsEmpty](#clist__isempty) to verify that the list contains elements.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#53](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#53)]  
##  <a name="clist__removetail"></a>  CList::RemoveTail  
 Removes the element from the tail of the list and returns a pointer to it.  

TYPE RemoveTail();

### Parameters  
 Template parameter specifying the type of elements in the list.  
### Return Value  
 The element that was at the tail of the list.  
### Remarks  
 You must ensure that the list is not empty before calling `RemoveTail`. If the list is empty, then the Debug version of the Microsoft Foundation Class Library asserts. Use [IsEmpty](#clist__isempty) to verify that the list contains elements.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#54](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#54)]  
##  <a name="clist__setat"></a>  CList::SetAt  
 A variable of type **POSITION** is a key for the list.  

void SetAt(POSITION pos, ARG_TYPE newElement);

### Parameters  
 The **POSITION** of the element to be set.  
 Template parameter specifying the type of the list element (can be a reference).  
 The element to be added to the list.  
### Remarks  
 It is not the same as an index, and you cannot operate on a **POSITION** value yourself. `SetAt` writes the element to the specified position in the list.  
 You must ensure that your **POSITION** value represents a valid position in the list. If it is invalid, then the Debug version of the Microsoft Foundation Class Library asserts.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCCollections#55](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCCollections#55)]  
## See Also  
 [MFC Sample COLLECT](../Topic/Visual%20C++%20Samples.md)   
 [CObject Class](../Topic/CObject%20Class.md)   
 [Hierarchy Chart](../Topic/Hierarchy%20Chart.md)   
 [CMap Class](../Topic/CMap%20Class.md)   
 [CArray Class](../Topic/CArray%20Class.md)