Connection Strings on 64-Bit Computers Require the "Data Provider" Component
Although connection strings on 32-bit computers do not require the "Data Provider" component, connection strings on 64-bit computers do require it. In the following example, the two connection strings both work on 32-bit computers, but only the second string, which includes the "Data Provider" component, works on 64-bit computers:
strConn1 = "server=" & dbServer & ";driver={SQL Server};UID=" & UserID & ";PWD=" & PWD & ";database=" & bizDBName & ";"
strConn2 = " Data Provider=SQLOLEDB ;server=" & dbServer & ";driver={SQL Server};UID=" & UserID & ";PWD=" & PWD & ";database=" & bizDBName & ";"
Use the "Data Provider" component consistently in your connection strings to make sure that they can be ported to 64-bit computers.