다음을 통해 공유

SqlCeDataReader.GetSqlBoolean Method

Note: This namespace, class, or member is supported only in version 1.1 of the .NET Framework.

Gets the value of the specified column as a SqlBoolean.

Public Function GetSqlBoolean( _
   ByVal ordinal As Integer _) As SqlBoolean
public SqlBoolean GetSqlBoolean(intordinal);
public: SqlBoolean GetSqlBoolean(intordinal);
public function GetSqlBoolean(
   ordinal : int) : SqlBoolean;


  • ordinal
    The zero-based column ordinal.

Return Value

The value of the column.


Exception Type Condition
InvalidOperationException The operation is not valid. The SqlCeDataReader may be positioned after the last row in the result set.


No conversions are performed; therefore, the data retrieved must already be a Boolean or an exception is generated.


Platforms: .NET Compact Framework

.NET Framework Security:

See Also

SqlCeDataReader Class | SqlCeDataReader Members | System.Data.SqlServerCe Namespace