다음을 통해 공유

TypeBuilder 클래스

런타임에 클래스의 새 인스턴스를 정의하고 만듭니다.

네임스페이스: System.Reflection.Emit
어셈블리: mscorlib(mscorlib.dll)


<ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.None)> _
<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _
Public NotInheritable Class TypeBuilder
    Inherits Type
    Implements _TypeBuilder
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As TypeBuilder
public sealed class TypeBuilder : Type, _TypeBuilder
public ref class TypeBuilder sealed : public Type, _TypeBuilder
/** @attribute ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.None) */ 
/** @attribute ComVisibleAttribute(true) */ 
public final class TypeBuilder extends Type implements _TypeBuilder
public final class TypeBuilder extends Type implements _TypeBuilder



이 클래스에 적용되는 HostProtectionAttribute 특성의 Resources 속성 값은 MayLeakOnAbort입니다. HostProtectionAttribute는 대개 아이콘을 두 번 클릭하거나, 명령을 입력하거나, 브라우저에서 URL을 입력하여 시작되는 데스크톱 응용 프로그램에 영향을 미치지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 HostProtectionAttribute 클래스나 SQL Server 프로그래밍 및 호스트 보호 특성을 참조하십시오.

TypeBuilder는 런타임에 동적 클래스의 생성을 제어하는 데 사용되는 루트 클래스이며 런타임 내부에서 클래스를 정의하고, 메서드 및 필드를 추가하며, 클래스를 만드는 데 사용되는 일련의 루틴을 제공합니다. 동적 모듈에서 새 TypeBuilder를 만들 수 있습니다.

완전하지 않은 형식의 Type 개체를 검색하려면 "MyType"이나 "MyType[]" 등 형식 이름을 나타내는 문자열을 사용하여 ModuleBuilder.GetType을 사용합니다.


다음 코드 예제에서는 TypeBuilder를 사용하여 동적 형식을 만드는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Reflection.Emit


Class TestILGenerator
   Public Shared Function DynamicDotProductGen() As Type
      Dim ivType As Type = Nothing
      Dim ctorParams() As Type = {GetType(Integer), GetType(Integer), GetType(Integer)}
      Dim myDomain As AppDomain = Thread.GetDomain()
      Dim myAsmName As New AssemblyName()
      myAsmName.Name = "IntVectorAsm"
      Dim myAsmBuilder As AssemblyBuilder = myDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly( _
                        myAsmName, _
      Dim IntVectorModule As ModuleBuilder = myAsmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule( _
                         "IntVectorModule", _
      Dim ivTypeBld As TypeBuilder = IntVectorModule.DefineType("IntVector", TypeAttributes.Public)
      Dim xField As FieldBuilder = ivTypeBld.DefineField("x", _
                                 GetType(Integer), _
      Dim yField As FieldBuilder = ivTypeBld.DefineField("y", _ 
                                 GetType(Integer), _
      Dim zField As FieldBuilder = ivTypeBld.DefineField("z", _
                                 GetType(Integer), _
      Dim objType As Type = Type.GetType("System.Object")
      Dim objCtor As ConstructorInfo = objType.GetConstructor(New Type() {})
      Dim ivCtor As ConstructorBuilder = ivTypeBld.DefineConstructor( _
                     MethodAttributes.Public, _
                     CallingConventions.Standard, _
      Dim ctorIL As ILGenerator = ivCtor.GetILGenerator()
      ctorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Call, objCtor)
      ctorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, xField)
      ctorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, yField)
      ctorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, zField)

      ' Now, you'll construct the method find the dot product of two vectors. First,
      ' let's define the parameters that will be accepted by the method. In this case,
      ' it's an IntVector itself!

      Dim dpParams() As Type = {ivTypeBld}
      ' Here, you create a MethodBuilder containing the
      ' name, the attributes (public, static, private, and so on),
      ' the return type (int, in this case), and a array of Type
      ' indicating the type of each parameter. Since the sole parameter
      ' is a IntVector, the very class you're creating, you will
      ' pass in the TypeBuilder (which is derived from Type) instead of 
      ' a Type object for IntVector, avoiding an exception. 
      ' -- This method would be declared in VB.NET as:
      '    Public Function DotProduct(IntVector aVector) As Integer

      Dim dotProductMthd As MethodBuilder = ivTypeBld.DefineMethod("DotProduct", _
                        MethodAttributes.Public, GetType(Integer), _
      ' A ILGenerator can now be spawned, attached to the MethodBuilder.
      Dim mthdIL As ILGenerator = dotProductMthd.GetILGenerator()
      ' Here's the body of our function, in MSIL form. We're going to find the
      ' "dot product" of the current vector instance with the passed vector 
      ' instance. For reference purposes, the equation is:
      ' (x1 * x2) + (y1 * y2) + (z1 * z2) = the dot product
      ' First, you'll load the reference to the current instance "this"
      ' stored in argument 0 (ldarg.0) onto the stack. Ldfld, the subsequent
      ' instruction, will pop the reference off the stack and look up the
      ' field "x", specified by the FieldInfo token "xField".
      mthdIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, xField)
      ' That completed, the value stored at field "x" is now atop the stack.
      ' Now, you'll do the same for the object reference we passed as a
      ' parameter, stored in argument 1 (ldarg.1). After Ldfld executed,
      ' you'll have the value stored in field "x" for the passed instance
      ' atop the stack.
      mthdIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, xField)
      ' There will now be two values atop the stack - the "x" value for the
      ' current vector instance, and the "x" value for the passed instance.
      ' You'll now multiply them, and push the result onto the evaluation stack.
      ' Now, repeat this for the "y" fields of both vectors.
      mthdIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, yField)
      mthdIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, yField)
      ' At this time, the results of both multiplications should be atop
      ' the stack. You'll now add them and push the result onto the stack.
      ' Multiply both "z" field and push the result onto the stack.
      mthdIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, zField)
      mthdIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, zField)
      ' Finally, add the result of multiplying the "z" fields with the
      ' result of the earlier addition, and push the result - the dot product -
      ' onto the stack.
      ' The "ret" opcode will pop the last value from the stack and return it
      ' to the calling method. You're all done!
      ivType = ivTypeBld.CreateType()
      Return ivType
   End Function 'DynamicDotProductGen
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim IVType As Type = Nothing
      Dim aVector1 As Object = Nothing
      Dim aVector2 As Object = Nothing
      Dim aVtypes() As Type = {GetType(Integer), GetType(Integer), GetType(Integer)}
      Dim aVargs1() As Object = {10, 10, 10}
      Dim aVargs2() As Object = {20, 20, 20}
      ' Call the  method to build our dynamic class.
      IVType = DynamicDotProductGen()
      Dim myDTctor As ConstructorInfo = IVType.GetConstructor(aVtypes)
      aVector1 = myDTctor.Invoke(aVargs1)
      aVector2 = myDTctor.Invoke(aVargs2)
      Dim passMe(0) As Object
      passMe(0) = CType(aVector2, Object)
      Console.WriteLine("(10, 10, 10) . (20, 20, 20) = {0}", _
                        IVType.InvokeMember("DotProduct", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, _
                        Nothing, aVector1, passMe))
   End Sub 'Main
End Class 'TestILGenerator

' +++ OUTPUT +++
' ---
' (10, 10, 10) . (20, 20, 20) = 600 

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;

class TestILGenerator {
    public static Type DynamicDotProductGen() {
       Type ivType = null;
       Type[] ctorParams = new Type[] { typeof(int),
       AppDomain myDomain = Thread.GetDomain();
       AssemblyName myAsmName = new AssemblyName();
       myAsmName.Name = "IntVectorAsm";
       AssemblyBuilder myAsmBuilder = myDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(

       ModuleBuilder IntVectorModule = myAsmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("IntVectorModule",

       TypeBuilder ivTypeBld = IntVectorModule.DefineType("IntVector",

       FieldBuilder xField = ivTypeBld.DefineField("x", typeof(int),
       FieldBuilder yField = ivTypeBld.DefineField("y", typeof(int), 
       FieldBuilder zField = ivTypeBld.DefineField("z", typeof(int),

           Type objType = Type.GetType("System.Object"); 
           ConstructorInfo objCtor = objType.GetConstructor(new Type[0]);

       ConstructorBuilder ivCtor = ivTypeBld.DefineConstructor(
       ILGenerator ctorIL = ivCtor.GetILGenerator();
           ctorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Call, objCtor);
           ctorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, xField); 
           ctorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, yField); 
           ctorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, zField); 

       // This method will find the dot product of the stored vector
       // with another.

       Type[] dpParams = new Type[] { ivTypeBld };

           // Here, you create a MethodBuilder containing the
       // name, the attributes (public, static, private, and so on),
       // the return type (int, in this case), and a array of Type
       // indicating the type of each parameter. Since the sole parameter
       // is a IntVector, the very class you're creating, you will
       // pass in the TypeBuilder (which is derived from Type) instead of 
       // a Type object for IntVector, avoiding an exception. 

       // -- This method would be declared in C# as:
       //    public int DotProduct(IntVector aVector)

           MethodBuilder dotProductMthd = ivTypeBld.DefineMethod(

       // A ILGenerator can now be spawned, attached to the MethodBuilder.

       ILGenerator mthdIL = dotProductMthd.GetILGenerator();
       // Here's the body of our function, in MSIL form. We're going to find the
       // "dot product" of the current vector instance with the passed vector 
       // instance. For reference purposes, the equation is:
       // (x1 * x2) + (y1 * y2) + (z1 * z2) = the dot product

       // First, you'll load the reference to the current instance "this"
       // stored in argument 0 (ldarg.0) onto the stack. Ldfld, the subsequent
       // instruction, will pop the reference off the stack and look up the
       // field "x", specified by the FieldInfo token "xField".

       mthdIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, xField);

       // That completed, the value stored at field "x" is now atop the stack.
       // Now, you'll do the same for the object reference we passed as a
       // parameter, stored in argument 1 (ldarg.1). After Ldfld executed,
       // you'll have the value stored in field "x" for the passed instance
       // atop the stack.

       mthdIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, xField);

           // There will now be two values atop the stack - the "x" value for the
       // current vector instance, and the "x" value for the passed instance.
       // You'll now multiply them, and push the result onto the evaluation stack.


       // Now, repeat this for the "y" fields of both vectors.

       mthdIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, yField);
       mthdIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, yField);

       // At this time, the results of both multiplications should be atop
       // the stack. You'll now add them and push the result onto the stack.


       // Multiply both "z" field and push the result onto the stack.
       mthdIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, zField);
       mthdIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, zField);

       // Finally, add the result of multiplying the "z" fields with the
       // result of the earlier addition, and push the result - the dot product -
       // onto the stack.

       // The "ret" opcode will pop the last value from the stack and return it
       // to the calling method. You're all done!


       ivType = ivTypeBld.CreateType();

       return ivType;


    public static void Main() {
       Type IVType = null;
           object aVector1 = null;
           object aVector2 = null;
       Type[] aVtypes = new Type[] {typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int)};
           object[] aVargs1 = new object[] {10, 10, 10};
           object[] aVargs2 = new object[] {20, 20, 20};
       // Call the  method to build our dynamic class.

       IVType = DynamicDotProductGen();


       ConstructorInfo myDTctor = IVType.GetConstructor(aVtypes);
       aVector1 = myDTctor.Invoke(aVargs1);
       aVector2 = myDTctor.Invoke(aVargs2);

       object[] passMe = new object[1];
           passMe[0] = (object)aVector2; 

       Console.WriteLine("(10, 10, 10) . (20, 20, 20) = {0}",


       // +++ OUTPUT +++
       // ---
       // (10, 10, 10) . (20, 20, 20) = 600 
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Reflection::Emit;
Type^ DynamicDotProductGen()
   Type^ ivType = nullptr;
   array<Type^>^temp0 = {int::typeid,int::typeid,int::typeid};
   array<Type^>^ctorParams = temp0;
   AppDomain^ myDomain = Thread::GetDomain();
   AssemblyName^ myAsmName = gcnew AssemblyName;
   myAsmName->Name = "IntVectorAsm";
   AssemblyBuilder^ myAsmBuilder = myDomain->DefineDynamicAssembly( myAsmName, AssemblyBuilderAccess::RunAndSave );
   ModuleBuilder^ IntVectorModule = myAsmBuilder->DefineDynamicModule( "IntVectorModule", "Vector.dll" );
   TypeBuilder^ ivTypeBld = IntVectorModule->DefineType( "IntVector", TypeAttributes::Public );
   FieldBuilder^ xField = ivTypeBld->DefineField( "x", int::typeid, FieldAttributes::Private );
   FieldBuilder^ yField = ivTypeBld->DefineField( "y", int::typeid, FieldAttributes::Private );
   FieldBuilder^ zField = ivTypeBld->DefineField( "z", int::typeid, FieldAttributes::Private );
   Type^ objType = Type::GetType( "System.Object" );
   ConstructorInfo^ objCtor = objType->GetConstructor( gcnew array<Type^>(0) );
   ConstructorBuilder^ ivCtor = ivTypeBld->DefineConstructor( MethodAttributes::Public, CallingConventions::Standard, ctorParams );
   ILGenerator^ ctorIL = ivCtor->GetILGenerator();
   ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_0 );
   ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Call, objCtor );
   ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_0 );
   ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_1 );
   ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stfld, xField );
   ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_0 );
   ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_2 );
   ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stfld, yField );
   ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_0 );
   ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_3 );
   ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Stfld, zField );
   ctorIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ret );
   // This method will find the dot product of the stored vector
   // with another.
   array<Type^>^temp1 = {ivTypeBld};
   array<Type^>^dpParams = temp1;
   // Here, you create a MethodBuilder containing the
   // name, the attributes (public, static, private, and so on),
   // the return type (int, in this case), and a array of Type
   // indicating the type of each parameter. Since the sole parameter
   // is a IntVector, the very class you're creating, you will
   // pass in the TypeBuilder (which is derived from Type) instead of
   // a Type object for IntVector, avoiding an exception.
   // -- This method would be declared in C# as:
   //    public int DotProduct(IntVector aVector)
   MethodBuilder^ dotProductMthd = ivTypeBld->DefineMethod( "DotProduct", MethodAttributes::Public, int::typeid, dpParams );
   // A ILGenerator can now be spawned, attached to the MethodBuilder.
   ILGenerator^ mthdIL = dotProductMthd->GetILGenerator();
   // Here's the body of our function, in MSIL form. We're going to find the
   // "dot product" of the current vector instance with the passed vector
   // instance. For reference purposes, the equation is:
   // (x1 * x2) + (y1 * y2) + (z1 * z2) = the dot product
   // First, you'll load the reference to the current instance "this"
   // stored in argument 0 (ldarg.0) onto the stack. Ldfld, the subsequent
   // instruction, will pop the reference off the stack and look up the
   // field "x", specified by the FieldInfo token "xField".
   mthdIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_0 );
   mthdIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldfld, xField );
   // That completed, the value stored at field "x" is now atop the stack.
   // Now, you'll do the same for the Object reference we passed as a
   // parameter, stored in argument 1 (ldarg.1). After Ldfld executed,
   // you'll have the value stored in field "x" for the passed instance
   // atop the stack.
   mthdIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_1 );
   mthdIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldfld, xField );
   // There will now be two values atop the stack - the "x" value for the
   // current vector instance, and the "x" value for the passed instance.
   // You'll now multiply them, and push the result onto the evaluation stack.
   mthdIL->Emit( OpCodes::Mul_Ovf_Un );
   // Now, repeat this for the "y" fields of both vectors.
   mthdIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_0 );
   mthdIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldfld, yField );
   mthdIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_1 );
   mthdIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldfld, yField );
   mthdIL->Emit( OpCodes::Mul_Ovf_Un );
   // At this time, the results of both multiplications should be atop
   // the stack. You'll now add them and push the result onto the stack.
   mthdIL->Emit( OpCodes::Add_Ovf_Un );
   // Multiply both "z" field and push the result onto the stack.
   mthdIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_0 );
   mthdIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldfld, zField );
   mthdIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_1 );
   mthdIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ldfld, zField );
   mthdIL->Emit( OpCodes::Mul_Ovf_Un );
   // Finally, add the result of multiplying the "z" fields with the
   // result of the earlier addition, and push the result - the dot product -
   // onto the stack.
   mthdIL->Emit( OpCodes::Add_Ovf_Un );
   // The "ret" opcode will pop the last value from the stack and return it
   // to the calling method. You're all done!
   mthdIL->Emit( OpCodes::Ret );
   ivType = ivTypeBld->CreateType();
   return ivType;

int main()
   Type^ IVType = nullptr;
   Object^ aVector1 = nullptr;
   Object^ aVector2 = nullptr;
   array<Type^>^temp2 = {int::typeid,int::typeid,int::typeid};
   array<Type^>^aVtypes = temp2;
   array<Object^>^temp3 = {10,10,10};
   array<Object^>^aVargs1 = temp3;
   array<Object^>^temp4 = {20,20,20};
   array<Object^>^aVargs2 = temp4;
   // Call the  method to build our dynamic class.
   IVType = DynamicDotProductGen();
   Console::WriteLine( "---" );
   ConstructorInfo^ myDTctor = IVType->GetConstructor( aVtypes );
   aVector1 = myDTctor->Invoke( aVargs1 );
   aVector2 = myDTctor->Invoke( aVargs2 );
   array<Object^>^passMe = gcnew array<Object^>(1);
   passMe[ 0 ] = dynamic_cast<Object^>(aVector2);
   Console::WriteLine( "(10, 10, 10) . (20, 20, 20) = {0}", IVType->InvokeMember( "DotProduct", BindingFlags::InvokeMethod, nullptr, aVector1, passMe ) );

// +++ OUTPUT +++
// ---
// (10, 10, 10) . (20, 20, 20) = 600
import System.*;
import System.Threading.*;
import System.Reflection.*;
import System.Reflection.Emit.*;

class TestILGenerator
   public static Type DynamicDotProductGen() 
        Type ivType = null;
        Type ctorParams[] = new Type[]{int.class.ToType(),
            int.class.ToType(), int.class.ToType()};

        AppDomain myDomain = System.Threading.Thread.GetDomain();
        AssemblyName myAsmName =  new AssemblyName();

        AssemblyBuilder myAsmBuilder = myDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly
            (myAsmName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);

        ModuleBuilder IntVectorModule = myAsmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule
            ("IntVectorModule", "Vector.dll");

        TypeBuilder ivTypeBld = IntVectorModule.DefineType("IntVector",

        FieldBuilder xField = ivTypeBld.DefineField("x",
            int.class.ToType(), FieldAttributes.Private);
        FieldBuilder yField = ivTypeBld.DefineField("y",
            int.class.ToType(), FieldAttributes.Private);
        FieldBuilder zField = ivTypeBld.DefineField("z",
            int.class.ToType(), FieldAttributes.Private);

        Type objType = Type.GetType("System.Object");
        ConstructorInfo objCtor = objType.GetConstructor(new Type[0]);
        ConstructorBuilder ivCtor = 
            CallingConventions.Standard, ctorParams);

        ILGenerator ctorIL = ivCtor.GetILGenerator();

        ctorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Call, objCtor);
        ctorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, xField);
        ctorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, yField);
        ctorIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, zField);
        // This method will find the dot product of the stored vector
        // with another.
        Type dpParams[] = new Type[]{ivTypeBld};
        // Here, you create a MethodBuilder containing the
        // name, the attributes (public, static, private, and so on),
        // the return type (int, in this case), and a array of Type
        // indicating the type of each parameter. Since the sole parameter
        // is a IntVector, the very class you're creating, you will
        // pass in the TypeBuilder (which is derived from Type) instead of 
        // a Type object for IntVector, avoiding an exception. 
        // -- This method would be declared in VJ# as:
        //    public int DotProduct(IntVector aVector)
        MethodBuilder dotProductMthd = ivTypeBld.DefineMethod("DotProduct",
            MethodAttributes.Public, int .class.ToType(), dpParams);
        // A ILGenerator can now be spawned, attached to the MethodBuilder.
        ILGenerator mthdIL = dotProductMthd.GetILGenerator();
        // Here's the body of our function, in MSIL form. We're going to 
        // find the "dot product" of the current vector instance with the 
        // passed vector instance. For reference purposes, the equation is:
        // (x1 * x2) + (y1 * y2) + (z1 * z2) = the dot product
        // First, you'll load the reference to the current instance "this"
        // stored in argument 0 (ldarg.0) onto the stack. Ldfld, the 
        // subsequent instruction, will pop the reference off the stack and 
        // look up the field "x",specified by the FieldInfo token "xField".
        mthdIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, xField);
        // That completed, the value stored at field "x" is now atop the 
        // stack.Now, you'll do the same for the object reference we passed 
        // as a parameter, stored in argument 1 (ldarg.1). After Ldfld 
        // executed,you'll have the value stored in field "x" for the 
        // passed instance atop the stack.
        mthdIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, xField);
        // There will now be two values atop the stack - the "x" value for 
        // the current vector instance, and the "x" value for the passed 
        // instance.You'll now multiply them, and push the result onto the
        // evaluation stack.
        // Now, repeat this for the "y" fields of both vectors.
        mthdIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, yField);
        mthdIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, yField);
        // At this time, the results of both multiplications should be atop
        // the stack. You'll now add them and push the result
        // onto the stack.
        // Multiply both "z" field and push the result onto the stack.
        mthdIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, zField);
        mthdIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, zField);
        // Finally, add the result of multiplying the "z" fields with the
        // result of the earlier addition, and push the result 
        // - the dot product - onto the stack.
        // The "ret" opcode will pop the last value from the stack and 
        // return it to the calling method. You're all done!
        ivType = ivTypeBld.CreateType();
        return ivType ;
   } //DynamicDotProductGen
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Type ivType = null;
        Object aVector1 = null;
        Object aVector2 = null;
        Type aVtypes[] = new Type[] {
            int.class.ToType(), int.class.ToType(), int.class.ToType()};
        Object aVargs1[] = new Object[] { (Int32)10, (Int32)10, (Int32)10};
        Object aVargs2[] = new Object[] { (Int32)20, (Int32)20, (Int32)20};

        // Call the  method to build our dynamic class.
        ivType = DynamicDotProductGen();
        ConstructorInfo myDTctor = ivType.GetConstructor(aVtypes);
        aVector1 = myDTctor.Invoke(aVargs1);
        aVector2 = myDTctor.Invoke(aVargs2);
        Object passMe[] = new Object[1];
        passMe.set_Item(0, ((Object)(aVector2)));
        Console.WriteLine("(10, 10, 10) . (20, 20, 20) = {0}",
            ivType.InvokeMember("DotProduct", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,
            null, aVector1, passMe));
    } //main
} //TestILGenerator
// +++ OUTPUT +++
// ---
// (10, 10, 10) . (20, 20, 20) = 600 

상속 계층 구조


스레드로부터의 안전성

이 형식의 모든 public static(Visual Basic의 경우 Shared) 멤버는 스레드로부터 안전합니다. 인터페이스 멤버는 스레드로부터 안전하지 않습니다.


Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework에서 모든 플래폼의 모든 버전을 지원하지는 않습니다. 지원되는 버전의 목록은 시스템 요구 사항을 참조하십시오.

버전 정보

.NET Framework

2.0, 1.1, 1.0에서 지원

참고 항목


TypeBuilder 멤버
System.Reflection.Emit 네임스페이스

기타 리소스

리플렉션 내보내기를 사용하여 형식 정의
방법: 리플렉션 내보내기를 사용하여 제네릭 형식 정의