Metadata Enumerations
Describes the unmanaged enumerations that are used by the Metadata (Unmanaged API Reference) API.
In This Section
- AssemblyFlags Enumeration
Contains values that describe the run-time features of an assembly.
- AssemblyRefFlags Enumeration
Contains values that describe the features of an assembly reference.
- CeeSectionAttr Enumeration
Provides values that specify the attributes of a section for use by the ICeeGen Interface interface.
- CeeSectionRelocType Enumeration
Provides values to influence the type of reloc instruction emitted in a call to ICeeGen::AddSectionReloc Method.
- COINITICOR Enumeration
Specifies constants used by CoInitializeCor Function when initializing the common language runtime.
- COINITIEE Enumeration
Specifies constants used by CoInitializeEE Function when initializing the common language runtime.
- CorArgType Enumeration
Contains values that describe the native type of a runtime handle.
- CorAssemblyFlags Enumeration
Contains values that describe the metadata applied to an assembly compilation.
- CorAttributeTargets Enumeration
Specifies the application elements on which it is valid to apply an attribute.
- CorCallingConvention Enumeration
Contains values that describe the types of calling conventions that are made in managed code.
- CorCheckDuplicatesFor Enumeration
Contains values used during checks for duplications.
- CorDeclSecurity Enumeration
Contains values that describe the types of declarative security used by the common language runtime.
- CorElementType Enumeration
Contains values that describe the underlying native type of a common language runtime Type.
- CorErrorIfEmitOutOfOrder Enumeration
Contains flag values that indicate the conditions under which an error message should be generated when metadata is emitted out of order.
- CorEventAttr Enumeration
Contains values that describe the metadata of an event.
- CorFieldAttr Enumeration
Contains values that describe metadata about a field.
- CorFileFlags Enumeration
Contains values that describe the type of file defined in a call to IMetaDataAssemblyEmit::DefineFile Method.
- CorGenericParamAttr Enumeration
Contains values that describe the Type parameters for generic types, as used in calls to IMetaDataEmit2::DefineGenericParam Method.
- CorImportOptions Enumeration
Contains flag values that control the behavior during importation of an assembly outside the current scope.
- CorLinkerOptions Enumeration
Specifies flags to select options for the metadata linker.
- CorManifestResourceFlags Enumeration
Contains values that describe the visibility of resources encoded in an assembly manifest.
- CorMethodAttr Enumeration
Contains values that describe metadata about a method.
- CorMethodImpl Enumeration
Contains values that describe method implementation features.
- CorMethodSemanticsAttr Enumeration
Contains values that describe the relationship between a method and an associated property or event.
- CorNativeLinkFlags Enumeration
Provides flag values used by the linker when linking native code.
- CorNativeLinkType Enumeration
Provides values that indicate the type linked in native code.
- CorNativeType Enumeration
Contains values that describe native unmanaged types.
- CorNotificationForTokenMovement Enumeration
Contains flag values that influence notifications upon token movement.
- CorOpenFlags Enumeration
Contains flag values that control metadata behavior upon opening manifest files.
- CorParamAttr Enumeration
Contains values that describe the metadata of a method parameter.
- CorPEKind Enumeration
Contains values that describe a portable executable file, as returned from a call to IMetaDataImport2::GetPEKind Method.
- CorPinvokeMap Enumeration
Contains values that describe features of a PInvoke call.
- CorPropertyAttr Enumeration
Contains values that describe the metadata of a property.
- CorRefToDefCheck Enumeration
Specifies flags to control which referenced items are converted to their definitions in order to optimize the code.
- CorRegFlags Enumeration
Provides flag values used for registration when installing a module or composite.
- CorSaveSize Enumeration
Contains values indicating the level of precision required when querying for the size of a save operation.
- CorSerializationType Enumeration
Contains values that describe how an object is serialized by the common language runtime. These values generally correspond to CorElementType Enumeration values.
- CorSetENC Enumeration
Contains values used to influence behavior during the generation of metadata.
- CorThreadSafetyOptions Enumeration
Specifies flags to select options for thread safety.
- CorTokenType Enumeration
Contains values that indicate the kind of object that a metadata token references.
- CorTypeAttr Enumeration
Contains values that indicate type metadata.
- CorUnmanagedCallingConvention Enumeration
Contains values that describe unmanaged calling conventions.
- CorValidatorModuleType Enumeration
Provides values used by the IMetaDataValidate Interface interface to specify the type of the module (PE file vs. .obj file).
- COUNINITIEE Enumeration
Specifies constants used by CoUninitializeEE Function when initializing the common language runtime.
- ICorModuleInitializeFlags Enumeration
Provides values that control the type of ICorModule Interface that is initialized.