다음을 통해 공유

방법: Timeline의 시작 시간 지정

업데이트: 2007년 11월

Timeline의 BeginTime 속성은 Timeline 활성 기간의 시작 시간을 결정합니다. Timeline에 부모 Timeline이 있는 경우에는 BeginTime 속성에 따라 부모 Timeline이 시작된 후 얼마만큼의 시간이 지난 후에 Timeline을 시작할 것인지가 결정됩니다. Timeline이 루트 Timeline인 경우(예: Storyboard)에는 BeginTime 속성에 따라 Timeline이 트리거된 후 얼마만큼의 시간이 지난 후에 재생을 시작할 것인지가 결정됩니다.

다음 예제에서는 BeginTime 설정이 서로 다른 몇 가지 Timeline을 보여 줍니다.


<!-- This example shows how the BeginTime property determines when a timeline starts.
     Several rectangles are animated by DoubleAnimations with identical 
     durations and target values, but with different
     BeginTime settings. -->

<Page xmlns="https://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" 
  WindowTitle="BeginTime Example">
  <StackPanel Margin="20">

    <!-- The rectangles to animate. -->
    <Rectangle Name="DefaultBeginTimeRectangle" 
      Width="20" Height="20" Fill="Blue"  />

    <Rectangle Name="DelayedBeginTimeRectangle" 
      Width="20" Height="20" Fill="Blue"  />

    <Rectangle Name="DelayedAnimationWithDelayedParentRectangle" 
      Width="20" Height="20" Fill="Blue"  /> 

    <Rectangle Name="NegativeBeginTimeExampleRectangle" 
      Width="20" Height="20" Fill="Blue"  />            

    <!-- Create a button to start the animations. -->
    <Button Margin="20" Content="Start Animations">
        <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Button.Click">

              <!-- This animation starts as soon as the button is clicked, because it
                   has a BeginTime of 0. -->
                BeginTime="0:0:0" From="100" To="600" Duration="0:0:5"  /> 

              <!-- This animation starts 5 seconds after the button is clicked. -->
                BeginTime="0:0:5" From="100" To="600" Duration="0:0:5" />

              <ParallelTimeline BeginTime="0:0:5">  

              <!-- This animation starts 10 seconds after the button is clicked, 
                   because its parent has a BeginTime of 5 seconds and it has
                   a BeginTime of 5 seconds: 5 + 5 = 10.  -->              
                  BeginTime="0:0:5" From="100" To="600" Duration="0:0:5"  />

              <!-- This animation starts as soon as the button is clicked, but
                   it animates from 350 to 600 instead of from 100 to 600 
                   because of its negative BeginTime. The negative BeginTime
                   setting advances the animation, so that it behaves as though
                   it had already been playing for 2.5 seconds as soon as it is
                   started. -->
                BeginTime="-0:0:2.5" From="100" To="600" Duration="0:0:5" />              


    <!-- This example demonstrates how the BeginTime property works on a root timeline. -->
    <Rectangle Name="RootTimelineWithDelayedBeginTimeRectangle"
      Width="20" Height="20" Fill="Blue" >
        <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Rectangle.MouseLeftButtonDown">
            <Storyboard BeginTime="0:0:5">

              <!-- This animation starts 5 seconds after the left mouse button
                   is pressed, because its parent storyboard (a root timeline)
                   has a BeginTime of 5 seconds. -->
                BeginTime="0:0:0" From="100" To="600" Duration="0:0:2" />