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Table Properties

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

This topic describes the properties that are in the Properties window for table elements in the Application Object Tree (AOT). Table elements are located under Data Dictionary > Tables.

For information about system properties available for tables, see System and Common Properties. For guidelines about setting property values, see Best Practices for Table Properties.

Next is a list of topics about the properties of AOT elements that are sub-elements under a table element.

Table Field Properties

Table Index Properties

Table Relation Properties

Table Properties

The following table describes the properties of table elements in the AOT.



New in this version of
 Microsoft Dynamics AX


Specifies whether or not the table supports inheritance.

The default value is No. If the value is Yes, the table cannot be a direct target of X++ SQL statements such as update_recordset and select.

This property is unavailable when the SupportInheritance property is set to No. For more information, see Table Inheritance Overview.

AX 2012


Determines the type of dimension created based on the IsLookup property setting. You can specify one of the following values.

IsLookup property set to Yes

  • Auto - Specifies that the table may contain factual as well as dimensional data. The BI Wizard will extract dimensional data and create dimensions and attributes while factual data will be extracted to create measures. One child dimension is created with attributes from the parent table.

  • MasterInner - Specifies an inner (full) join to create relationships with this table to the child table. Each record combination for this table and the child table are generated in the dimension.One child dimension is created with attributes from the parent table.

  • MasterLeftOuter - Specifies a left outer join to create relationships with this table to the child table. Dimensions will have additional attributes based on values in this table that can also be empty. One child dimension is created with attributes from the parent table.

  • Transaction - Specifies that the table should strictly be used to generate factual data (measures). This setting should be used when a table only contains transactional data. One child dimension is created containing only enumeration fields from the table.

IsLookup property set to No

  • Auto - Specifies that the table may contain factual as well as dimensional data. The BI Wizard will extract dimensional data and create dimensions and attributes while factual data will be extracted to create measures. One parent and child dimension is created.

  • MasterInner - Not applicable. Same as Auto.

  • MasterLeftOuter - Not applicable. Same as Auto.

  • Transaction - Specifies that the table should strictly be used to generate factual data (measures). This setting should be used when a table only contains transactional data. One child dimension is created containing only enumeration values from the table.


Specifies the field to be used as the identifier for the dimension in a SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) cube.


Specifies the type of operation that a user can perform on a table, depending on the user's permissions.

When the property is set to None, an authorization check is not performed.


Determines how to cache the records retrieved during a lookup operation.

This CacheLookup property exists only on tables that do not inherit from another table.

On an inheritance root table, this property cannot be set to EntireTable by using the AOT Properties window. You must not use other techniques to assign this value to inheritance root tables. For example, do not use the AOTsetProperty method of the TreeNode class to assign this value.


Specifies the cluster index.

This property is used only for SQL optimization purposes.


Specifies the configuration key for the table.

Configuration keys allow a system administrator to enable and disable certain parts of an application.


Specifies the country region codes where the table is applicable or valid. The client framework and application may make use of this property to enable or disable country or region specific features. This is implemented as a comma-separated list of ISO country codes in a single string. The values must match data contained in the global address book.

AX 2012


Specifies the field that will be used to identify the country context. This relates to the CountryRegionCodes property.

AX 2012


Indicates whether the system maintains the CreatedBy field for the records in a table. This field contains information about who created a particular record.


Indicates whether the system maintains the CreationDate and CreationTime fields for the records in a table. This field contains the date when a record was created.

AX 2012


Indicates whether the system maintains the CreatedTransactionId field for the records in a table. This field contains information about which transaction created the record.


Indicates whether an index on the Record ID field is created.


Describes the purpose of a table and explains how it is used in the application. A description is typically no more than five sentences long and is written as a single paragraph.


Classifies a table according to common entity relationship (ER) data model notation. A table is classified as an entity or a relationship. An entity represents an object. A relationship represents an association between two objects.


Derives the table from another table that is chosen as the property value.

The value is null when the SupportInheritance property is set to Yes. For more information, see Table Inheritance Overview.

AX 2012


Specifies the display menu item that is activated when a table is referenced. A display menu item is associated with a form.

When you use a primary index field on a report, this form is available as a link in the report. A primary index is specified by using the PrimaryIndex property.

If you leave this field blank, the system attempts to display a form that has the same name as the table.


Specifies the table ID generated by the system. For more information, see Application Object IDs.


For report models, it specifies whether the table information is incorporated into other tables that reference it when a report model is generated.

For OLAP cubes, it determines whether to generate a consolidated dimension or a distinct dimension. You can specify one of the following values.

  • Yes - Indicates that attributes from the table are to be consolidated into the parent dimension (star schema).

  • No - Indicates that a separate dimension is to be generated for the table (snowflake schema).

For more information about dimensions and star and snowflake schemas, see Introduction to Dimensions (SQL Server 2005 Books Online).


Specifies the label for a table.


Specifies a display menu item that points to a form that can show a list of this record type.

AX 2012


Specifies which model the table is in.

A model is a logical grouping of elements in a layer. An element can exist in exactly one model in a layer. Examples of elements are a table or class. The same element can exist in a customized version in a model in a higher layer.

AX 2012


Indicates whether the system maintains the ModifiedBy field for the records in a table. This field records the person who performed the last modification to a record.


Indicates whether the system maintains the ModifiedDate field for the records in a table. This field records the date of the last modification of a record.


Indicates whether the system maintains the ModifiedDateTime field for the records in a table. This field records the date and time when a record was last modified.


Specifies the table name.


Specifies whether the optimistic concurrency mode is enabled for a table.

When this mode is enabled, data is not locked from future modification when it is fetched from the database. Data is locked only when the actual update is performed.


Specifies the Info Part or Form Part to be used in the enhanced preview.

An info part shows a collection of data fields from a specified query. An info part uses metadata to describe how the data appears. A form part represents a pointer to a form.

AX 2012


Specifies the primary index.

Only a unique index can be selected.

The property is used for database optimization purposes and to indicate which unique index to use as the caching key. If a primary index is not specified, the unique index with the lowest ID is used as the caching key.


Specifies the fields to display as the identifier for data in some form controls.

AX 2012


Specifies the output menu item that is activated when a table is referenced. An output menu item is associated with a report.

When you use a primary index field on a report, this report is available as a link in the report. A primary index is specified using the PrimaryIndex property.


Indicates whether the data for the current company is saved.

If you set the property to No, data is saved without a company identifier (DataAreaId).


If the SaveDataPerCompany property on a table is set to Yes, the SetCompany property on a form design that uses the table as a data source must also be set to Yes.


The company acronym can be seen in the status line. Double-clicking the acronym opens a dialog box to change to another company.


Shows whether the table has a system field named Partition. This is meant to be a read-only system field.

If the table has a Partition field, each record is assigned to one partition. Each record is kept hidden from data access operations that are run under the context of other partitions.

AX 2012 R2


Specifies the name of the menu item that links to information on a Web site about a table record listed in the Enterprise Portal search results.

If the SearchLinkRefType property is set to URL, select a menu item from the SearchLinkRefName property list that links to a Web part page that displays the table data.

Forms and reports on Web part pages can display data.


Specifies the type of the menu item that links to information on a Web site about a table record listed in the Enterprise Portal search results.


Specifies the label that is used in a report model or a cube to display the singular name of items stored in the table.


Setting this property to Yes enables you to set a value for other inheritance related properties such as Extends and Abstract.


When you set the value to Yes, any fields on the table are dropped and must be created again.

For more information, see Table Inheritance Overview.

AX 2012


Indicates if a table appears as a System table. It can then be filtered during export and import.

System tables are always synchronized when you log in. This may be useful for tables that you use as soon as you log in.


Specifies how setup/parameter data can be reused from one customer to another. The following values are possible:

  • Not specified – For most tables.

  • Default Data – Use for customer-independent data such as ZIP/Postal Codes, units, and time intervals.

  • Base Data – Use for customer-dependent data such as calendars, groups, and parameters.

  • Default+Base data – Use for data where the local perception varies. For example, Chart of Accounts is not customer-dependent in Germany, but is most other places in the world.


Determines which group the table belongs to.

Table Groups provide a method for categorizing tables according to the type of data they contain. Table groups can be used to define whether the system should prompt users when they update or delete from the table in forms by using the table as the data source. When exporting data, you can use table groups to filter records.


Replaces the Temporary property found in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. For more information, see Temporary Tables and the TableType Property.

AX 2012

TitleField1, TitleField2

Enables you to do the following:

  • Add table field data to a form caption.

  • Display additional fields in a lookup form. For more information, see How to: Add a Control with a Lookup Form. The TitleField1 property is also used when activating the lookup list in a field on a form. The fields you specify for TitleField1 and TitleField2 properties can be merged with the key value.

  • Display field information in a tooltip.


Specifies the number of records that typically appear in a table.

If the AnalysisSelection property is not set, the TypicalRowCount property determines how records are selected by using Report Builder for Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services.

The TypicalRowCount property setting affects whether a drop-down list, list box, or a filtered list box is used to select table records. For more information, see Best Practices for Table Properties.


Specifies the type of date-time field for the system to use when it tracks data within time spans.

AX 2012


Specifies the access rights when the table is used as a data source in a form or a report.

If the table is used as a data source in a form, then the access rights in the form cannot exceed the access rights defined for the table.

Tables and Report Models

The following properties are related to report models that are used to add information to a report.

  • AnalysisSelection

  • AnalysisVisibility

  • IsLookup

  • SingularLabel

  • TypicalRowCount

See also

Data Dictionary Node in the AOT