다음을 통해 공유

Using Classes to Create Forms

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Use forms to display data to users. Create a form by using the FormRun and Form classes, and a variety of other classes that modify the form design and data source.

You can also create a form by using the Application Object Tree (AOT). For more information, see Walkthrough: Creating a Form by Using the AOT.


The following example creates a form to display data that is contained in the CustTable table. Place the code into a method that is called from a main class method to view the form. The signature of a main method is static void main (Args args).

Following is information about the roles of the example's various methods and objects.

The following adds the CustTable table to the form:

The following creates and modifies the form's design:

The following objects add the tab page controls, a grid control, and string controls to the form:

The following method associates data fields with the grid control:

The following method associates data fields with the string controls:

The following method displays the form:

    static void createForm(Args _args)
        Args args;
        Form form;
        FormRun formRun;
        FormBuildDesign formBuildDesign;
        FormBuildDataSource formBuildDataSource;
        FormBuildGridControl formBuildGridControl;
        FormBuildStringControl formBuildStringControl;
        FormBuildStringControl formBuildStringControl2;
        FormBuildTabControl formBuildTabControl;
        FormBuildTabPageControl formBuildTabPageControl;
        FormBuildTabPageControl formBuildTabPageControl2;
        FormStringControl formStringControl;
        FormGridControl formGridControl;
        DictTable dictTable;
        int idx;
        int idx2;
        int idx3;
        // Create the form header.
        form = new Form();
        // Add a data source to the form. ID 77 refers to the CustTable.
        dictTable = new DictTable(tablenum(CustTable));
        formBuildDataSource = form.addDataSource(dictTable.name());
        // Create the form design.
        formBuildDesign = form.addDesign("Design");
        // Add tabbed page controls, a grid control, and string controls.
        formBuildTabControl =
     formBuildDesign.addControl(FormControlType::Tab, "Overview");
        formBuildTabPageControl =
     formBuildTabControl.addControl(FormControlType::TabPage, "Overview");
        formBuildTabPageControl2 =
        formBuildGridControl =
     formBuildTabPageControl.addControl(FormControlType::Grid,"Table Grid");
        formBuildStringControl =
     formBuildTabPageControl2.addControl(FormControlType::String,"Table String");
        formBuildStringControl2 =
     formBuildTabPageControl2.addControl(FormControlType::String,"Table String");
        // Add data fields to controls.
        args = new Args();
        // Create the run-time form.
        formRun = classfactory.formRunClass(args);

See also

Methods in X++

Methods on a Form

Event Method Sequences when a Form is Opened

Announcements: New book: "Inside Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3" now available. Get your copy at the MS Press Store.