샘플: Dynamics 365 컨트롤의 자동 완성
게시 날짜: 2017년 1월
적용 대상: Dynamics 365 (online), Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2016, Dynamics CRM Online
Microsoft Dynamics 365(온라인 및 온-프레미스): getValue, Keypress 메서드 및 자동 완성 메서드에 소개된 다음 클라이언트 쪽 API를 통해 샘플 JavaScript 코드를 사용하여 Dynamics 365에서 자동 완성 환경을 구성합니다.
보여 주기
거래처 양식에 있는 양식 라이브러리로 이 항목의 샘플 JavaScript 코드를 추가하고 거래처 양식에 있는 OnLoad 이벤트에 suggestAccounts 기능을 추가하면 거래처 양식의 거래처 이름 필드에 자동 완성 기능이 구성됩니다.거래처 이름 필드에 이름을 입력하면 자동 완성 드롭다운 목록이 표시되고 드롭다운 목록의 값이 이 필드에서 누르는 문자와 일치하도록 필터링됩니다. 드롭다운 목록에서 값을 클릭하면 거래처 이름 필드에 추가됩니다.
/* Sample JavaScript code to demonstrate the auto-completion feature.
This sample configures the auto-complete feature for the "Account Name"
field in the account form. */
function suggestAccounts() {
// List of sample account names to suggest
accounts = [
{ name: 'A. Datum Corporation', code: 'A01' },
{ name: 'Adventure Works Cycles', code: 'A02' },
{ name: 'Alpine Ski House', code: 'A03' },
{ name: 'Bellows College', code: 'A04' },
{ name: 'Best For You Organics Company', code: 'A05' },
{ name: 'Blue Yonder Airlines', code: 'A06' },
{ name: 'City Power & Light', code: 'A07' },
{ name: 'Coho Vineyard', code: 'A08' },
{ name: 'Coho Winery', code: 'A09' },
{ name: 'Coho Vineyard & Winery', code: 'A10' },
{ name: 'Contoso, Ltd.', code: 'A11' },
{ name: 'Contoso Pharmaceuticals', code: 'A12' },
{ name: 'Contoso Suites', code: 'A13' },
{ name: 'Consolidated Messenger', code: 'A14' },
{ name: 'Fabrikam, Inc.', code: 'A15' },
{ name: 'Fabrikam Residences', code: 'A16' },
{ name: 'First Up Consultants', code: 'A17' },
{ name: 'Fourth Coffee', code: 'A18' },
{ name: 'Graphic Design Institute', code: 'A19' },
{ name: 'Humongous Insurance', code: 'A20' },
{ name: 'Lamna Healthcare Company', code: 'A21' },
{ name: 'Litware, Inc.', code: 'A22' },
{ name: 'Liberty Delightful Sinful Bakery & Cafe', code: 'A23' },
{ name: 'Lucerne Publishing', code: 'A24' },
{ name: 'Margie Travel', code: 'A25' },
{ name: 'Munson Pickles and Preserves Farm', code: 'A26' },
{ name: 'Nod Publishers', code: 'A27' },
{ name: 'Northwind Electric Cars', code: 'A28' },
{ name: 'Northwind Traders', code: 'A29' },
{ name: 'Proseware, Inc.', code: 'A30' },
{ name: 'Relecloud', code: 'A31' },
{ name: 'School of Fine Art', code: 'A32' },
{ name: 'Southridge Video', code: 'A33' },
{ name: 'Tailspin Toys', code: 'A34' },
{ name: 'Trey Research', code: 'A35' },
{ name: 'The Phone Company', code: 'A36' },
{ name: 'VanArsdel, Ltd.', code: 'A37' },
{ name: 'Wide World Importers', code: 'A38' },
{ name: 'Wingtip Toys', code: 'A39' },
{ name: 'Woodgrove Bank', code: 'A40' }
var keyPressFcn = function (ext) {
try {
var userInput = Xrm.Page.getControl("name").getValue();
resultSet = {
results: new Array(),
commands: {
id: "sp_commands",
label: "Learn More",
action: function () {
// Specify what you want to do when the user
// clicks the "Learn More" link at the bottom
// of the auto-completion list.
// For this sample, we are just opening a page
// that provides information on working with
// accounts in CRM.
var userInputLowerCase = userInput.toLowerCase();
for (i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) {
if (userInputLowerCase === accounts[i].name.substring(0, userInputLowerCase.length).toLowerCase()) {
id: i,
fields: [accounts[i].name]
if (resultSet.results.length >= 10) break;
if (resultSet.results.length > 0) {
} else {
} catch (e) {
// Handle any exceptions. In the sample code,
// we are just displaying the exception, if any.
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Microsoft Dynamics 365
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