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Styling Field Values

When used selectively, styling text with font color and font weight can help users find and understand information. This topic provides guidelines about how to use styling of field values in FastTabs and grids to make users’ tasks easier.

Guidelines for field styling

To help users find and better understand information, Microsoft Dynamics NAV can show field values in FastTabs and grids in different font colors and font weights.

We recommend that you follow these guidelines when deciding how to apply styling in your applications:

  • Use as little styling as possible, while still achieving the purpose. The positive effects of styling decrease with the more styles that are used.

  • In grids, do not style all cells of a row. Style only the individual cells that most directly represent the meaning that you want to convey.

  • Base your styling choices on the value of a field. Do not use styling to communicate that a field displays a certain type of information.

  • Do not use styling in a way that could cause the user to confuse the styling with how field and row selection is displayed.

Style choices

There are 10 different styles available in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. The font color and weight have been chosen to suit common ways of emphasizing data values.

Illustration of field style options

See Also


Ribbon and Toolbars
Field and Group Layout
Interaction Modes
User Interface Text