BeforeNavigate2EventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the BeforeNavigate2 event. |
BeforeNavigateEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the BeforeNavigate |
BrowserExtendedNavigatingEventArgs |
Represents event arguments used in the new navigation events. |
BrowserExtendedNewWindowEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments used in the new window events. |
BrowserObjectAppearedEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the BrowserObjectAppeared event related to browser and Ipad. |
ClientToHostWindowEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the ClientToHostWindow event. |
CommandStateChangeEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the CommandStateChangeEventArgs class. |
DocumentCompleteEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the DocumentComplete event. |
FileDownloadEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for a FileDownload event. |
NavigateComplete2EventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for a NavigateComplete2 event. |
NavigateCompleteEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the NavigateComplete event. |
NavigateErrorEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for a navigate error event. |
NewProcessEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for a NewProcess event |
NewWindow2EventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for a NewWindow2 event. |
NewWindow3EventArgs |
Represents the arguments for a NewWindow3 event. |
NewWindowEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for NewWindow event. |
OnFullScreenEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the OnFullScreen event.. |
OnMenuBarEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for OnMenuBar event. |
OnStatusBarEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the OnStatusBar event. |
OnTheaterModeEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the OnTheaterMode event. |
OnToolBarEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the OnToolBar event. |
OnVisibleEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for the OnVisible event. |
PrintTemplateInstantiationEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for the PrintTemplateInstantiation event. |
PrintTemplateTeardownEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the PrintTemplateTeardown event. |
PrivacyImpactedStateChangeEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the PrivacyImpactedStateChange event. |
ProgressChangeEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for the ProgressChange event. |
PropertyChangeEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for the PropertyChange event. |
QuitEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for the Quit event. |
SetPhishingFilterStatusEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for the SetPhishingFilterStatus event. |
SetSecureLockIconEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for the SetSecureLockIcon event. |
StatusTextChangeEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for the StatusTextChange event.. |
TitleChangeEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the TitleChange event. |
UpdatePageStatusEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for the UpdatePageStatus event. |
WebBrowserExtended |
Represents the UII extended web browser control. |
WindowClosingEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the WindowClosing event. |
WindowSetHeightEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the WindowSetHeight event. |
WindowSetLeftEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the WindowSetLeft event. |
WindowSetResizableEventArgs |
Represents the event Arguments for the WindowSetResizable event. |
WindowSetTopEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for the WindowSetTop event. |
WindowSetWidthEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the WindowSetWidth event. |
WindowStateChangedEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for the WindowStateChanged event. |