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concurrent_queue Class


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The concurrent_queue class is a sequence container class that allows first-in, first-out access to its elements. It enables a limited set of concurrency-safe operations, such as push and try_pop.


template<typename T, class _Ax>
class concurrent_queue: public ::Concurrency::details::_Concurrent_queue_base_v4;


The data type of the elements to be stored in the queue.

The type that represents the stored allocator object that encapsulates details about the allocation and deallocation of memory for this concurrent queue. This argument is optional and the default value is allocator<``T``>.


Public Typedefs

Name Description
allocator_type A type that represents the allocator class for the concurrent queue.
const_iterator A type that represents a non-thread-safe const iterator over elements in a concurrent queue.
const_reference A type that provides a reference to a const element stored in a concurrent queue for reading and performing const operations.
difference_type A type that provides the signed distance between two elements in a concurrent queue.
iterator A type that represents a non-thread-safe iterator over the elements in a concurrent queue.
reference A type that provides a reference to an element stored in a concurrent queue.
size_type A type that counts the number of elements in a concurrent queue.
value_type A type that represents the data type stored in a concurrent queue.

Public Constructors

Name Description
concurrent_queue::concurrent_queue Constructor Overloaded. Constructs a concurrent queue.
concurrent_queue::~concurrent_queue Destructor Destroys the concurrent queue.

Public Methods

Name Description
concurrent_queue::clear Method Clears the concurrent queue, destroying any currently enqueued elements. This method is not concurrency-safe.
concurrent_queue::empty Method Tests if the concurrent queue is empty at the moment this method is called. This method is concurrency-safe.
concurrent_queue::get_allocator Method Returns a copy of the allocator used to construct the concurrent queue. This method is concurrency-safe.
concurrent_queue::push Method Overloaded. Enqueues an item at tail end of the concurrent queue. This method is concurrency-safe.
concurrent_queue::try_pop Method Dequeues an item from the queue if one is available. This method is concurrency-safe.
concurrent_queue::unsafe_begin Method Overloaded. Returns an iterator of type iterator or const_iterator to the beginning of the concurrent queue. This method is not concurrency-safe.
concurrent_queue::unsafe_end Method Overloaded. Returns an iterator of type iterator or const_iterator to the end of the concurrent queue. This method is not concurrency-safe.
concurrent_queue::unsafe_size Method Returns the number of items in the queue. This method is not concurrency-safe.


For more information, see Parallel Containers and Objects.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Header: concurrent_queue.h

Namespace: concurrency

concurrent_queue::clear Method

Clears the concurrent queue, destroying any currently enqueued elements. This method is not concurrency-safe.

void clear();

concurrent_queue::concurrent_queue Constructor

Constructs a concurrent queue.

explicit concurrent_queue(
    const allocator_type& _Al = allocator_type());

    const concurrent_queue& _OtherQ,
    const allocator_type& _Al = allocator_type());

    concurrent_queue&& _OtherQ,
    const allocator_type& _Al = allocator_type());

template<typename _InputIterator>
concurrent_queue(_InputIterator _Begin,
    _InputIterator _End);


The type of the input iterator that specifies a range of values.

The allocator class to use with this object.

The source concurrent_queue object to copy or move elements from.

Position of the first element in the range of elements to be copied.

Position of the first element beyond the range of elements to be copied.


All constructors store an allocator object _Al and initialize the queue.

The first constructor specifies an empty initial queue and explicitly specifies the allocator type to be used.

The second constructor specifies a copy of the concurrent queue _OtherQ.

The third constructor specifies a move of the concurrent queue _OtherQ.

The fourth constructor specifies values supplied by the iterator range [ _Begin, _End).

concurrent_queue::~concurrent_queue Destructor

Destroys the concurrent queue.


concurrent_queue::empty Method

Tests if the concurrent queue is empty at the moment this method is called. This method is concurrency-safe.

bool empty() const;

Return Value

true if the concurrent queue was empty at the moment we looked, false otherwise.


While this method is concurrency-safe with respect to calls to the methods push, try_pop, and empty, the value returned might be incorrect by the time it is inspected by the calling thread.

concurrent_queue::get_allocator Method

Returns a copy of the allocator used to construct the concurrent queue. This method is concurrency-safe.

allocator_type get_allocator() const;

Return Value

A copy of the allocator used to construct the concurrent queue.

concurrent_queue::push Method

Enqueues an item at tail end of the concurrent queue. This method is concurrency-safe.

void push(const T& _Src);

void push(T&& _Src);


The item to be added to the queue.


push is concurrency-safe with respect to calls to the methods push, try_pop, and empty.

concurrent_queue::try_pop Method

Dequeues an item from the queue if one is available. This method is concurrency-safe.

bool try_pop(T& _Dest);


A reference to a location to store the dequeued item.

Return Value

true if an item was successfully dequeued, false otherwise.


If an item was successfully dequeued, the parameter _Dest receives the dequeued value, the original value held in the queue is destroyed, and this function returns true. If there was no item to dequeue, this function returns false without blocking, and the contents of the _Dest parameter are undefined.

try_pop is concurrency-safe with respect to calls to the methods push, try_pop, and empty.

concurrent_queue::unsafe_begin Method

Returns an iterator of type iterator or const_iterator to the beginning of the concurrent queue. This method is not concurrency-safe.

iterator unsafe_begin();

const_iterator unsafe_begin() const;

Return Value

An iterator of type iterator or const_iterator to the beginning of the concurrent queue object.


The iterators for the concurrent_queue class are primarily intended for debugging, as they are slow, and iteration is not concurrency-safe with respect to other queue operations.

concurrent_queue::unsafe_end Method

Returns an iterator of type iterator or const_iterator to the end of the concurrent queue. This method is not concurrency-safe.

iterator unsafe_end();

const_iterator unsafe_end() const;

Return Value

An iterator of type iterator or const_iterator to the end of the concurrent queue.


The iterators for the concurrent_queue class are primarily intended for debugging, as they are slow, and iteration is not concurrency-safe with respect to other queue operations.

concurrent_queue::unsafe_size Method

Returns the number of items in the queue. This method is not concurrency-safe.

size_type unsafe_size() const;

Return Value

The size of the concurrent queue.


unsafe_size is not concurrency-safe and can produce incorrect results if called concurrently with calls to the methods push, try_pop, and empty.

See Also

concurrency Namespace