다음을 통해 공유


The MINMAXINFO structure contains information about a window's maximized size and position and its minimum and maximum tracking size.

typedef struct tagMINMAXINFO { 
   POINT ptReserved; 
   POINT ptMaxSize; 
   POINT ptMaxPosition; 
   POINT ptMinTrackSize; 
   POINT ptMaxTrackSize; 

매개 변수

  • ptReserved
    내부용으로 예약됩니다.

  • ptMaxSize
    Specifies the maximized width (point.x) and the maximized height (point.y) of the window.

  • ptMaxPosition
    Specifies the position of the left side of the maximized window (point.x) and the position of the top of the maximized window (point.y).

  • ptMinTrackSize
    Specifies the minimum tracking width (point.x) and the minimum tracking height (point.y) of the window.

  • ptMaxTrackSize
    Specifies the maximum tracking width (point.x) and the maximum tracking height (point.y) of the window.

요구 사항

Header: winuser.h

참고 항목



기타 리소스

구조체, 스타일, 콜백 및 메시지 맵