다음을 통해 공유

basic_directory_entry 클래스

Describes an object that is returned by *X, where X is a basic_directory_iterator or a basic_recursive_directory_iterator.

template<class Path>
class basic_directory_entry;


The class stores an object of template type Path. Pathbasic_path 또는 basic_path에서 파생된 형식 중 하나일 수 있습니다. It also stores two file_type values; one that represents what is known about the status of the stored file name, and another that represents what is known about the symbolic link status of the file name.


공용 Typedefs




A synonym for template type Path.


Path::string_type 의 동의어입니다.

Public 생성자



basic_directory_entry::basic_directory_entry 생성자

basic_directory_entry 개체를 생성합니다.

Public 메서드



basic_directory_entry::assign 메서드

Stores a specified Path object.

basic_directory_entry::path 메서드

Retrieves the stored Path object.

basic_directory_entry::replace_leaf 메서드

저장된 leaf 값을 대체하고 저장된 파일 이름의 상태를 업데이트 합니다.

basic_directory_entry::status 메서드

Retrieves the file name status.

basic_directory_entry::symlink_status 메서드

Retrieves the file name symbolic link status.

Public 연산자



basic_directory_entry::operator const path_type& 연산자

Retrieves the stored Path object.

basic_directory_entry::operator!= 연산자

Determines whether a specified Path object is not equal to the stored Path object.

basic_directory_entry::operator< 연산자

Determines whether the stored Path object is less than a specified Path object.

basic_directory_entry::operator<= 연산자

Determines whether the stored Path object is less than or equal to a specified Path object.

basic_directory_entry::operator= 연산자

Stores a specified Path object.

basic_directory_entry::operator== 연산자

Determines whether a specified Path object is equal to the stored Path object.

basic_directory_entry::operator> 연산자

Determines whether the stored Path object is greater than a specified Path object.

basic_directory_entry::operator>= 연산자

Determines whether the stored Path object is greater than or equal to a specified Path object.

상속 계층


요구 사항

헤더: filesystem

Namespace: std::tr2::sys

참고 항목



기타 리소스

C++ 표준 라이브러리 헤더 파일