다음을 통해 공유

basic_path::begin 메서드

Specifies the first component of the stored file name.

iterator begin() const;

반환 값

A filename iterator that specifies the first component of the stored file name.


The filename iterator that's returned by begin designates the first present component of the following file name sequence.

  • The prefix

  • The root

  • The path elements, in order

The following conditions apply to a file name iterator X.

  • X == end() indicates the end of the sequence of components.

  • *X returns a string that matches the current component.

  • ++X designates the next component in the sequence, if present.

  • --X designates the preceding component in the sequence, if present.

요구 사항

헤더: filesystem

네임스페이스: std::tr2::sys

참고 항목


basic_path 클래스


basic_path::end 메서드